冀教版三年级上:Lesson28 Brother ,Sister(3)(3)

2012-03-21  |  

  2) Listen to the tape and then repeat.

  3) Let’s play a game

  T: Who wants to be Jenny, come here and introduce your brother and sister?

  2. How old are you?

  I am ___ years old.

  1) Demonstrate

  T:(to a student )Hello!

  S: Hello, Miss Li.

  T: How are you?

  S: Fine, thanks. And you?

  T: I am fine, too. I’m thirty years old. How old are you?

  ( 可给学生稍作解释,引导他们说出 I’m ___ years old.)

  S: I’m eight years old.

  T: Good. ( to an other student) How old are you?

  S: I’m nine years old

  T: Oh, I’m thirty years old. He/She is eight years old. And he/she is nine years old. How old are you?

  S: I am ___ years old.

  T:(板书How old are you? I’m ___ years old. 带读及个人读 ) ...

  T: (出示几组标有年龄的人物图片)Boys and girls. Look! How old are they?

  S: He/She is ___ years old.

  T: Good. He/She is ___ years old. He/She is___. Read after me please.

  S: He/She is ____.

  T:(板书He/She is ____.并利用其他几幅图片进行练习)

  T: (利用班里同学练习句型He/She is ____) Hello, how old are you?

  S:I am ___years old. / I am ____.


  2) Play a game “ Hot Monkey”

  Boys and girls, Let’s play a game, when you get the monkey, please answer my question, ok?

  T: Hot monkey, hot monkey, hot, hot, hot. (全班同学跟着一块说,并迅速传递着到手的monkey. 当老师示意停止时,得到monkey的同学必须回答老师提出的问题。)

  3)Listen to the audiotape and the students follow.

  4) Questions and answers

  1. How old is Danny? / He is

  2. How old is Jenny?

  3. How old is Li Ming?

  4. How old is Mrs. Smith?

  5, How old is Li Ming’s mother?

  III. Class Closing


  1) Draw a picture of your family and write down their ages. Point to them and talk about them.

  2) Finish No.1, No.2 and No.3 in Activity Book.

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