北师大版四年级下Lesson2《let's go》教学教案

2016-01-15  | Lesson 北师大 教案 

  Step1. Warm up:

  T: Class begins! Morning! Boys and girls!

  S: Morning ,teacher!

  T: What day is it today?

  S: It‘s / Today is…

  T: What do you do on weekend?

  S: I do my homework.

  T: Do you have much homework?

  S: Yes, we do.

  T: Do you have enough time to do it?

  S: Sometimes we do, sometimes we don‘t.

  Step 2. Review

  1. Have the children open to the story pages of this Unit. Tell them they are now Mocky. Explain that you are going to play the tape and you want them repeat what Mocky said.

  2. Play the tape. Have the children repeat what Mocky said after the tape.

  Step 3. Words to learn

  1. Have the children open their books at page 40. Direct the children‘s attention to the top half of the page. As you play the tape, have them touch the matching words or pictures.

  2. Replay the tape while showing your copy of the page. Stop the tape after each word and have the children repeat the words.

  3. Play the tape again without stopping. Have the children say the words along with the tape.

  4. Without playing the tape, point to one of the pictures or word from the children.

  5. Repeat the procedure for all the other pictures and words.

  Step 4. Uncle Booky‘s Blackboard

  1. Draw the children‘s attention to the top of the page. Model the structures on Uncle Booky‘s Blackboard by reading them aloud to the class.

  2. Have the children repeat the structures in a class drill. Use all possible combinations. S

  tep 5. Pair work:

  Ask the students to talk about the time and the activities with their schedule. And then make a new dialogue and act it out.

  Step 6. Fight game:

  The students have five minutes to prepare the competition.

  Game1: Please say out the new words in Chinese.

  Game2: Please say out the new words in English.

  Game3: Please find out the next sentence.

  Step 7. Extend:

  Suggestion‘s expression.

  Step 8. Sum up:

  Today we have learned the suggestion‘s expression.

  Words to learn Same meaning: a movie / movie theater / the movies Uncle Booky‘s Blackboard Key structure:

  Let‘s …。 Shall we …?

  Do we have enough time/money?

  Yes, we do./ No, we don‘t.

《北师大版四年级下Lesson2“let's go”教学教案》摘要:? S: Sometimes we do, sometimes we don‘t. Step 2. Review 1. Have the children open to the story pages of this Unit. Tell them they are now Mocky. Explain that you are going to play the tape and...
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