北师大版四年级下Lesson4《let's go》教学教案

2016-01-15  | Lesson 北师大 flashcards 

  Step1. Warm up:

  Step 2. Review

  1. Review the flashcards for Units 5 and 10.

  2. hold up the flashcard for school. Cover it with a piece of blank paper so that the children can not see the picture. Remove the blank paper bit by bit. Ask, What‘s this?" until the children get, It‘s a ( school )。"

  3. Repeat for the other flashcards.

  Step 3. Mary‘s new bag

  1. Draw the children‘s attention to the picture on page 43 and tell them that they are going to read about a girl who wants a new school bag.

  2. Point to the pictures on the page. Ask the children to talk about who they can see in the pictures and have them guess what the story is probably about.

  3. Direct the children‘s attention to the text. Have the children read the text by themselves silently.

  4. When all the children finished, read the text slowly to the children. Make sure they all understand the meaning of each sentence.

  5. Read the first paragraph slowly again to the children. Then stop to ask children which picture matches these paragraph. Have the children point to the picture. Check if they all number it correctly.

  6. Repeat with the other parts of the text.

  7. Now have the children look at the second activity. Tell them to answer the questions, and that the text contains the information for the questions.

  8. Read the first question and elicit the answer from the children. Then have them elicit out the answer on the line.

  9. Repeat with the other questions.

  Step 4. Extend

  Make a new dialog.

  Step 5. Sum up:

  Must do:

  1. Read the new text 5 times at home.

  2. Translate the text into Chinese.

  3. Preview page 45, 46, 47

  Choosing do:

  Read a new story by yourself

《北师大版四年级下Lesson4“let's go”教学教案》摘要:tep 3. Mary‘s new bag 1. Draw the children‘s attention to the picture on page 43 and tell them that they are going to read about a girl who wants a new school bag. 2. Point to the picture...
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