
2016-01-19  | Lesson 三下 广东 

  Teaching aims :

  1. Revise words .

  2. Listen, read and circle .

  3. Look, read and check..

  Teaching key :

  Revise words .

  Teaching difficult:

  1. Listen, read and circle .

  2. Read and check.


  Recorder and tape

  Teaching process:

  Step 1 :Worming up

  1. Bring in stuffed animals of a dog and a cat to class . Begin singing the song and throwing the stuffed animals around while singing. Both stuffed animals must be thrown or passed around simultaneously . When the song is over , two Ss will have stuffed animals in their hands . These Ss are required to make the sound of that animal.

  2. Make a new verse with Cheep ! (bird )and Moo ! (cow )

  Step 2: Listen, read and circle.

  1. Read out each word in the boxes and have Ss repeat .

  2. Have Ss look at the words .

  3. T: Listen and circle the correct word .

  4. Have Ss repeat the words as they are circling them .

  Step 3:Look , read and check.

  1. Read out the words in the left column and have Ss repeat .

  2. Have Ss look at the pictures across the top row .

  3. T: (point to each picture. ) What are these ? (Ss: They鈥檙e socks .)

  4. T: I say the alphabet . You say the word . OK?

  5. T: A. (Ss: Mangoes. )

  6. T: Can you find the mangoes ? Check here . (Model putting a checkmark in the appropriate box .)

  7. continue with the rest .

  Step4: Play a game

  教师给插图中的每幅小图标上号码。再做一些相应的数字卡,放在一个袋里。学生分组活动,轮流从袋子里抽出一张数字卡。全组的学生说出插图中相应号码的单词或句子,并指着图。说对的可以得到卡片上数字的分数。教师可以放一些额外的卡片在袋子里,例如:Three bonus points (奖三分)和You lose all points(扣除全部分数)。

  Step5:Finish the workbook.

  1. 听力题:

  (1)、Listen to the tape .

  (2)、Checks the answers.

  2. 笔试题:




  Step 6:Set homework

  Copy the words.

  Writing on the blackboard:

      8 Review2

  parent 聽orange 聽boy聽 mother 聽she

  panda聽聽聽 ox聽聽聽聽 baby聽聽 brother聽 聽he


《广东开心三下Lesson3“Review”教学教案》摘要:stuffed animals must be thrown or passed around simultaneously . When the song is over , two Ss will have stuffed animals in their hands . These Ss are required to make the sound of that animal. 2. M...
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