
2016-06-30  | 献帝 弄权 西凉 

  While the Han court was in chaos Dong Zhuo marched his 200,000 battlewise(富有战场经验的) Xiliang troops into the capital of Luoyang. He forces Liu Bian to quit the throne and made Liu Xie the Emperor Xian and himself the prime minister. As he rode roughshod over(欺凌) the emperor, manipulated power for personal ends, and had acted extremely cruelly, all ministers and generals wanted to get rid of him.


  Cao Cao, a wise and resourceful army officer, had long wanted to kill Dong Zhuo. One day, he came to see Dong Zhuo with a borrowed blade. the latter was sitting in his bedroom, his brave step-son Lv Bu standing by his side. Inquiring why he had been late, Cao Cao said, "My horse was slow." Dong Zhuo, now it's your time to die. But fearful of resistance from the old but still strong Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao waited for the right moment. As Dong Zhuo was a very large man, a while of sitting tired him and he lay down facing inward. Taking the chance Cao Cao unsheathed(抽出鞘) the knife. It so happened that Dong saw his move in a mirror. He looked back and asked Cao Cao what he was doing. Just then Lv Bu returned with a horse. The quick-witted Cao Cao made up a story, I chanced to secure a very unusual blade the knife to Dong Zhuo. Sure enough, the blade was extremely sharp, and about twenty some centimeters long. Delighted, Dong Zhuo told Cao Cao to have a look at the chosen horse. Outside, Cao Cao pleaded for a test ride. He then leaped onto the horse and sped away. "He must have come to murder me," said Dong Zhuo to Lv Bu. "I agree," the latter chorused. They sent soldiers to give chase, but by then, Cao Cao had fled out of the eastern gate.

  校尉曹操,足智多谋并早有杀董卓之心。一日,曹操借王司徒宝刀一口,藏刀来到相府。他走到小阁,见董卓坐在床上,义子吕布侍立于侧。董卓问曹操为何来迟,曹操说:鈥 马走不快,所以迟了。鈥澏刻螅啦佳∫黄ノ髁购寐硭透懿伲啦即鹩ψ懦鋈チ恕2懿傩南耄显舾盟溃趟峙露苛Υ螅桓彝缓谜驹谝慌缘却帷6可硖宸逝郑荒芫米灰换幔床嗌矶浴2懿偌上拢背榈队蹋吭诖┮戮的诳醇瞬懿俚亩鳎砑蔽剩衡溎阋墒裁矗库澱馐甭啦家睬B砘乩础2懿偌敝猩撬担衡溛业靡豢诒Φ叮锥飨唷b澏拷拥兑豢矗び杏撸胬薇龋皇且豢诒Φ丁6恳懿俪龈罂绰恚懿傩坏溃衡溤附杪硪皇浴b澣缓罂炻砑颖尥霞踩ァB啦级远克担衡湶懿儆行写讨佟 鈥澏克担衡溛乙不骋伞b澯谑桥扇巳プ贰4耸辈懿僖逊陕肀汲龆牛拥梦抻拔拮倭恕

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