外研社三年级上册《Point to her nose》教学设计

2016-08-16  | 教学 外研社 设计 


  Students in grade three are active,creative and talkative.They love to show their abilities.They also like singing English songs. In my class, there’re 69 students. It’s very difficult to do some activities and games actually. Therefore, in such a big class,I will choose some activities and games fit for my students. Such as, listen and do, listen and point, read my lips and what’s missing and so on.


  "New standard English" to emphasize language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategy, based on the development of cultural consciousness, reflect "knowledge and skills, process and methods, emotional attitude and values" trinity curriculum function. "New standard English" from the design of the choice of content, topic, progressive layers, both to students' interests, life experience and knowledge as a starting point, according to "topic, function, structure, tasks" writing principles, pay attention to communication, situation, level, systemic, can facilitate the students master basic language knowledge, get the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.


  1.Knowledge objects

  a. Revise the words and sentence pattern by singing the song “Please Stand Up”and playing games.www-2-1-cnjy-com

  b. To learn the new words: eye nose mouth ear

  c. Sentence pattern:Point to…。

  2. Ability objects

  With the teacher’s help, students will be able to read, recognize and use the words and sentence pattern in activities, and also in their daily life.

  3.Moral objects

  To arouse the students’ interest of learning English and to have them participate actively in language communication. To stimulate the students’creativity.

  Ⅳ。Teaching key points and difficult points:

  a. Teaching key points:

  To grasp the new words and the sentence pattern.

  b. Teaching difficult points:

  Students can use the new words and the sentence pattern correctly in activities.

  The pronunciation of mouth [θ]


  Flashcards, pictures, a tape recorder, PPT


  Student-centered teaching method

  Task-based teaching method

  Communicative language teaching method

  TPR teaching method


  一、Warm-up: (3 min)

  Greeting. Say hello to each other.

  Sing the song “Please Stand Up” by doing actions.

  (Purpose:To form a better English learning surrounding for the students,and review the words and the sentence pattern in last period.)

  二、 Lead-in(Revision) (2-3 min)

  Revise the words in last lesson: head arm leg and foot by PPT.

  Activity:Stand up and shout out the words as soon as you can.

  (Purpose:Review the words for the next steps.)

  三、 Presentation: (20min)

  1) New words:

  eye nose mouth ear

  To learn the new words by a guessing game.

  Teacher draws four pictures about the new words like this:

  (此处为老师在黑板上画的四幅简笔画:眼睛 鼻子 嘴巴 耳朵)

  Ask students to guess, and teach them the new words.Then let the students search the pictures of the new words :eye,nose,mouth and ear from the internet.

  Read the new words after the teacher.

  Ask students to read the words one by one,group by group.Read the words in different tones.

  Game1:What’s missing?

  Erase some of the words on the blackboard, and ask “What’s missing?”

  Game2:Read my lips.

  Look at the shapes of teacher’s/students’mouth,and guess the words in this module.www.21-cn-jy.com

  (Purpose:To arouse the students’ interest of learning English. To grasp the new words easily.)2-1-c-n-j-y

  2) Sentence pattern:

  Point to。

  Revise the sentence pattern by doing the activity:

  Listen and do.

  a.Teacher--- students:Show students a picture of Amy.Teacher says the sentence “Point to her …。”,ask students to repeat and do the actions.

  b.Pair work:Ask each of them to draw a picture of a girl,and then ask and point in pairs.(5min)

  c.Student A--- students:Ask one of them to come to the blackboard and show the picture of a girl, ask the other students to do the actions.

  (Purpose:It is to help students to use the sentence pattern through a true situation.)

  三、 Practice (10-12min)

  Ask students to do a listening practice at page40.Play the tape at least 3 times.

  1) Listen to the tape,try to get a general idea about the dialogue.

  2) Listen again,repeat the sentences together, then ask some of them to repeat.

  3) Open the books, look at the pictures,listen and repeat again.

  Ask students to read the dialogue in different roles.

  四、 Conclusion (3min)

  In this step, I’ll guide the students to conclude the key words and the sentence pattern by listening, repeating and reading.

  五、 Homework (1min)

  Read the dialogue loudly, try to recite it. Get ready for the role-play in next lesson.

  Blackboard designing:

  Module10 Body

  Unit 2 Point to her nose.

  此处老师在黑板上画出四幅简笔画:眼睛 鼻子 嘴巴 耳朵


  Point to her eye\nose\mouth\ear.

《外研社三年级上册“Point to her nose”教学设计》摘要:e.They love to show their abilities.They also like singing English songs. In my class, there’re 69 students. It’s very difficult to do some activities and games actually. Therefore, in su...
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