外研社英语四上《what are you going to do?》说课设计

2016-08-22  | 外研社 going 英语 


  本单元教学内容是围绕 “打算计划布置去做某事” 这一话题而展开,通过课堂教学,同学能询问并回答未来几天或周末的活动布置,以和使用疑问词来获取更多的信息,了解一般将来时的表达形式之一 “be going to”句型,能正确运用一般将来时表达自身的计划布置,并完成简单的任务。本单元设计以培养同学语言应用能力为宗旨,以同学为主体,以活动为主线,以任务为中心,结合同学的认知特点与能力,采用全身动作反应法、合作学习、情境教学和任务型教学等方法,利用直观、歌曲、歌谣、竞赛、游戏和多媒体课件等图文并茂、灵活多样的教学方式,多重感官的刺激充沛调动同学各器官的活动。高年级同学有一定的独立性和自主性,愿意亲自布置自身的学习与生活活动。这样本课的内容,同学的兴趣还是比较浓厚的。因此设计了一些符合同学兴趣、符合生活实际的活动和任务,培养同学进行合作学习、自主学习,为同学创设一个较真实的英语氛围,让同学自然地运用所学语言,发展同学的多元智能,培养用英语思维能力,逐步形成综合语言的运用能力。


  本单元内容旨在学习一般将来时中be going to的表达形式,能正确运用如“What are you going to do? I’m going to visit my grandparents. Where are you going? I’m going to the bookstore. When are you going? I’m going at 3 o’clock.”等句型与他人交流活动计划、地点和时间以和出行方式等。在此之前同学已经学习了一般现在时和现在进行时,在这个基础上开始接触be going to句型,有助于了解其语法功能和语言自身的意义。本单元设计了很多任务活动,如:拟订自身的周末活动、采访他人的活动布置、购书、当小导游如何布置合理的路线,以和设计自身的梦想等,充沛体现语言学习的交际功能,培养同学的自主学习和合作学习能力。





  (1)能够熟练掌握A、B局部Let’s learn,Let’s talk中的四会单词和句子;

  (2)能够听、说、认读A、B局部Let’s learn,Let’s talk和Let’s read中的三会词汇和句子;


  (4)能够理解并会吟唱Let’s chant局部的歌谣;能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What Are You Going to Do?”;

  (5)能够了解Story time,Good to know和Task time等内容。


  (1)了解一般将来时be going to的表达形式,能够用What are you going to do? I’m going to the cinema. Where are you going? I’m going to the bookstore. When are you going? I’m going at 3 o’clock. How are you going there? I’m going by bus.等句型与他人交流活动计划并完成简单的任务;

  (2)能够用He/She is going to…等句型转述他人的行事计划,协助他人制定活动计划;







  一、 Warm-up and revision

  1. Listen to a song

  T: Boys and girls, let’s listen to a song,“What Are You Going to Do?”, OK?

  Ss: Ok.

  T: Listen to the music!

  预先欣赏本单元的歌曲,使课堂一开始就处于英语氛围中,激发同学的积极性,让同学初步感知be going to do句型。

  2. Chant

  T: We have learned a nice chant, now listen to the chant.

  (教师播放磁带pep 五年级上册Unit 4 B Let’s Chant)


  Cook the meals. Water the plants.

  Wash the clothes. No time to dance!

  Make the bed. Sweep the floor.

  Empty the trash. And there is more.

  Oh, please! No more!

  T: Do you remember?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Now let’s chant together.

  (播放磁带, 同学跟着节奏边吟唱边做动作。)

  在此环节选择该Chant,一是它可以让同学在轻快的音乐节奏中,以积极的心态迎接新课的学习,鼓励全班同学都“动”起来,同时它也为本课学习内容打下伏笔,协助同学进一步复习学过的动作短语,为接下来的学习I’m going to……做准备。

  3. Free talk

  T: Well done! Now please tell me, what day is it today?

  Ss: It’s Friday.

  T: What day is it tomorrow?

  Ss: It’s Saturday.

  T: Oh, a weekend is coming! I’m sure everybody has a good plan for it.

  二、Presentation and practice

  1. Lead in

  T: Do you want to know the plan of Sarah? Let’s watch the screen.

  (教师播放CAI:明天是周六, Sarah想约朋友去看电影,于是询问了Zhang Peng,John, Chen Jie,Mike和Amy的周末布置,最后和Amy约好一起去看电影。)

  T: Boys and girls listen and watch carefully, please.


  2. Learn the new sentences

  T: Let’s read the two sentences follow me. (教师把 “What are you going to do?” “I’m going to ……。”板书在黑板上。)

  T: Practice in boys and girls / Practice in groups / Practice in pairs.

  T: Good. Now listen and watch the CAI again. Please read after that.(同学熟悉后让同学一边听、看CAI,一边跟读,学习新句型。)


  T (戴上 Mike的头饰): I am Mike. Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m going to fly kites. Who’s Zhang Peng? Who wants to try? (鼓励同学参与)

  T (在S1的头上戴上Zhang Peng的头饰): You’re Zhang Peng now. What are you going to do tomorrow, Zhang Peng?

  S1: I’m going to climb mountains.

  T: Is he right?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Cool! You can take a step forward on the chessboard.


  (同法再询问 Zhang Peng, Chen Jie, Mike, Sarah 和Amy. )

  T: What are you going to do, Sarah and Amy?

  Let S5,S6 answer: I’m going to the cinema.

  T: Excellent! You can take a step forward on the chessboard, too.

  T: Now, let’s practice in groups. Then I’ll choose some groups show us in front of the class.



  3. Learn the new phrases

  T: Let’s look at the chessboard. (教师让同学看黑板上的棋盘。)

  T: Group3, what are you going to do this morning?

  (让同学看该组的棋子在棋盘中所处的图片,并故意用this morning替换tomorrow提问。)

  Group3: I’m going to the cinema. (该组的棋子正好在去电影院的图片上。)

  T: Are you going to the cinema this morning?

  Group3: No. This evening. We are going to the cinema this evening,

  T: You can also say “tonight”。

  Help Ss say: We are going to the cinema tonight.


  T: Let’s spell the word “tonight”。

  Ss: T-O-N-I-G-H-T, tonight.

  T: Now spell these words by yourself.


  T: Boys and girls, do you know? E, E, K, W is……?

  Ss: W-E-E-K, week.

  T: Perfect! Now please spell these words and phrases like this in groups.


  四会单词和短语是本课时的教学重、难点之一, 在刚学习这些单词和短语后,就马上开展多种形式的记忆活动,使同学将它们的“音”和“意”与其“形”结合起来,同学印象深刻。

  T: Group1, Look at the chessboard. What are you going to do? (此时第一组的棋子正好处在看杂志的图片上。)

  Group1: We are going to read a book.

  T: Oh, look at here. It’s a magazine. You are going to read a magazine.

  (教师拿出杂志,引入新词magazine,引导同学说出短语read a magazine。)

  Let Ss say: We are going to read a magazine.

  T: Group 4, Look at the chessboard. What are you going to do? (此时第四组的棋子正好处在旅游的图片上。)

  Group 4: We are going to go hiking.

  T: Oh, you are going to hiking.

  (教师有意强调going to hiking, 纠正同学的错误。)

  T: Look at here. What are they?

  Ss: They are bag, and sunglasses.

  T: Look at the screen, and what is it?

  Ss: It&r

  squo;s a Chinese map.

  (CAI显示一幅中国地图,教师拿出背包、太阳眼镜,指着北京和天安门,引出短语take a trip。)T: Look, I’m going to take a trip. So Group 4, you are going to take a trip.

  Let Ss say: We are going to take a trip.

  T: Let’s practice in pairs.



  4. Chant

  T: Here we have a nice chant, too. Now listen to the chant.

  (教师播放该书第三单元P26 磁带Let’s Chant)


  I’m going to buy a book. I’m going to take a look.

  I’m going to bake a cake. I’m going to walk near a lake.

  We are going to take a trip. We are going to take a sip.

  I’m going outside to play. I’m going to have a good day!

  T: Chant together, please. Are you ready?

  Ss: Yes, we are.

  (播放磁带, 同学跟着节奏吟唱。)



  T: What are you going to do this weekend? Please make a plan, write it on this paper. Then make a survey in your group. Finally let’s see what our class is going to do and whose plan is wonderful.


  Name Activities When



  S7: Hello, S8. What are you going to do tonight?

  S8: Hi, S7. I’m going to read magazine. What about you?

  S7: I’m going to the cinema tonight. And I’m going to play sports tomorrow. Then what are you going to do tomorrow?

  S8: Tomorrow I’m going to the science museum.


  T: Now which one wants to show us your report? If you do a good job, your group can take a step forward on the chessboard. (每个小组选一名同学来汇报该组的调查报告。)

  S9: In our group, seven students are going to the cinema tonight, two students are going to watch TV.

  T: Well done! Who will be the next?

  S10: Four students are going to climb the mountains tomorrow in our group. Three students are going to fly kites. Two students are going to swim in the pool. One student is going to visit his grandparents.

  T: You did a good job.


  What are you going to do this weekend?

  When Number Activities Number Activities … …




  T: You are so excellent! OK, look at the blackboard, we are going to the cinema tonight and climb the mountains tomorrow. Great! You are going to have a good weekend.

  T: Whose plan is wonderful? You can get a smiling face from me.



  四、Assessment and extension

  Choose the winners of the groups and students

  T: Let’s see. Which group arrives at the end of the game?

  Ss: Group 2 Group 4 and Group 5.

  T: Yes, Group 2 Group 4 and Group 5 win the game. I’ll give each of you a smiling face. Are you happy?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Oh, so many kids get the smiling faces. You are winners too. You must learn a lot of things in this class, don’t you?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: We have learned……? Who wants to try?

  S11: Let me try. We have learned: go to the cinema,read a magazine, take a trip.

  S12: We have learned: this morning, this afternoon, this evening,next week,tomorrow and tonight.

  S13: We have learned: What are you going to do this evening?

  I’m going to the cinema.

  T: Nice work! Now pay attention to your homework, please.

  五、 Homework

  (1) Listen to the tape and read fluently, copy the four-skill words. Learn to sing the song “What Are You Going to Do?”

  (2) Please make a weekend plan for yourselves and tell your parents or friends about your plan. Then finish the form and do as your plan.


  Time Saturday Sunday






《外研社英语四上“what are you going to do?”说课设计》摘要:定的独立性和自主性,愿意亲自布置自身的学习与生活活动。这样本课的内容,同学的兴趣还是比较浓厚的。因此设计了一些符合同学兴趣、符合生活实际的活动和任务,培养同学进行合作学习、自主学习,为同学创设一个较...
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