湘少版四上《We're soldiers.》教学设计

2016-08-25  | 数得 教学 后加 


  1、知识目标: 掌握词汇 guessing game, turn, left, right, soldiers, traffic police, policemen

  2、技能目标: a 能听懂指令,做动作:turn left, turn right. b能运用所学句型询问他人职业,并回答他人的询问

  3、情感态度: 培养学生有目标,并为之而努力学习。


  用“What are we/you? ”询问职业及对该问题的回应 “You/We’re„”。


  What are we? Are you...? Yes, we are ./ No, we’re not.


  Step 1 Warming up Greetings

  Step 2 Presentation and drill

  游戏——Dragon game 接龙游戏

  1、分组进行比赛。从 1 数到 10 看哪组数得最顺畅。

  2、在数字后加上名词 如 flower, nose, finger, leg, head, toe, hand 等 继 续游戏。

  S1 One flower /nose /finger /leg /head /hand /„„ S2: Three flowers /noses /fingers /legs /heads/ hands„„ 3、选出说得最快最准的一组上讲台。课件出示单词卡片 a teacher。 S1: One teacher. S2: Two teachers. S3: Three teachers.

  接着课件出示单词卡片 a cook, a farmer, a doctor, a soldier 等。让学生反复练说。

  出示帽子头饰。 T:Look, What am I now? Ss: You are a sailor. 换上士兵的帽子 引导学生说出 soldier。 课件出示有很多 sailor 和 soldier 的图片。

  T: What are they? Ss: They are sailors. T: What are they? Ss: They are soldiers. 帮助学生回答,课件板书单词并带读。

  游戏——Quick response 快速反应 选择 6 名学生上讲台 戴上帽子头饰 分成 Soldiers 和 Sailors 两组 站成 直线。然后根据老师的命令 快速作出反应。看哪组反应得又快又准。多选 择几组进行游戏。

  T: Ready go. Left, right. Left, right. Turn left. Turn right. Turn right. Turn right.

  Step 3 Practice

  1、课件出示课文A 部分录音。



  Step 4 Consolidation

  游戏——A little actor 小演员 一、 让 3 位“小演员”戴上头饰 在教室外准备好。等老师与教室里的学生打完 招呼 便喊着口令走起来。

  S1-3: Left, right. Left, right. S1: Stop. Turn left.

  T: What are you? Are you soldiers?

  S1-3: No, we’re not soldiers.

  T: Are you sailors?

  S1-3: Yes, We’re sailors.

  T: Look at their hats. They are so cool. Could you give them to me, please.

  S1-3: OK!

  T: Thanks. Go back to your seat, please!

  T 对表演者说 : Are you policemen? 耳语: You’re traffic police. 交警。

  S1-3: No, we’re not policemen.

  T: Are you doctors?

  S1-3: No, we’re not doctors. 鼓励学生用“Are you„?”提问。

  Ss: Are you teachers?

  S1-3: No, we’re not teachers.

  T: Let’s do it again. Watch carefully.

  Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Turn right. Turn left.

  What are we? Guess, please. Ss:...... 帮助学生回答“We’re traffic police.”。

  T: Are you traffic police? S1-3: Yes, we’re traffic police.

  板书单词 traffic police 强调该词单、复数形式一样。带读。

  Step 5 Homework

  1、评价。 对学生的游戏进行评价 评出“最佳表演奖”。

  2、练习。 回家把课文A部分读给家长听。

《湘少版四上“We're soldiers.”教学设计》摘要:游戏。 S1 One flower /nose /finger /leg /head /hand /„„ S2: Three flowers /noses /fingers /legs /heads/ hands„„ 3、选出说得最快最准的一组上讲台。课件出示单词卡片 a teacher。 ...
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