The Sky Is Falling

2014-04-01  |  

The Sky Is Falling

  One day a little chicken named Chicken Little was scratching the ground in her garden Suddenly ,a small nut dropped out of a tree and hit her on the head pop !"Oh ,dear me !""she cried "The sky is falling !We have to do something !"And away she ran down the road yelling , "Help ,HELP!""On the way she met Henny penny going to the store ."What's the matter ?""asked Henny penny "The sky is falling !""answered Chicken Little "How do you know ?""asked Henny penny "Because a piece of it fell on my head ",Chicken Little replied "Oh ,dear me !""cried Henny penny "We have to do something !"And away they ran down the road yelling , "Help ,HELP /""

  They came to a pond where they met Ducky Daddles "What's the matter ?""he asked "The sky is falling !""answered Henny penny "How do you know ?""asked Ducky Daddles "Chicken Little told me ,""said Henny penny "A piece of it fell on my head ,""cried Chicken Little "Oh ,dear me !""cried Ducky Daddles "We have to do something !""And away they ran down the road yelling , "Help ,HELP!""

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