Boil the sea dragon king cure

2016-05-10  |  

  Don't know is which in which generation, zhoushan southwest of other delectable was buried in all the land on an island of gold, so people call it "gold hidden island".

  Later, this island full of hide gold message is insatiable in the east China sea dragon king. He want to take this island full of hidden gold treasure, unexpectedly deploy Long Zilong sun, lieutenants, flood tide, wave drum drum wave, straight to the hidden gold island. Blink of an eye, sea monstrous, blustery, hidden gold tree falls on the island house collapse, people call dad, crying a sad spectacle.

  Hidden gold island on a spinning DongShou huashan, the mountain lived a spinning little fairy female, she witnessed the east China sea dragon king groundless evil, cruel and incensed. So she god broom in hand, gently towards the sea breeze, overflow up the hill to the rolling waves, surging waves, breakdown of a step backward. Gold hidden survive on the island of men and women, old and young, all fled spinning huashan asylum.

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