A Bucket Full of Research

2016-05-16  |  

  Many years ago, I read that James A. Michener, who did not publish until he was forty years of age, advised young writers to do extensive research before trying to write a novel. He visited the countries and areas he was interested in writing about, interviewing countless people as well as reading more than two hundred books for back-ground material for each of his books -- Hawaii, Iberia, The Source, Texas, Poland, Alaska, Caribbean -- and for some forty other book projects, spanning a fifty-year writing career.

  This careful research resulted in Michener winning the 1948 Pulitzer Prize for Tales of the South Pacific, his first novel, and other awards.

  Michener believed a writer must know the country and experience an event to be able to write about it. I thought this was the right path to take, so I visited Spain, Australia (twice), Japan, China and other countries which, along with my library research, resulted in my publishing many hardbound books.

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