Bill, Bingo and Bram 12(2)

2016-05-16  |  

  Ross and his patch of dry path in the rain.

  Cats rarely went into Bill's yard.

  Bingo's sudden halt in mid attack, and refusal to enter Bill's gate.

  I thought of all of us.

  Bill, living in his bubble in time, powered by old steam radio and Woodbines.

  Bingo - wanting to attack the present, and curl up in his past.

  I thought of myself, waiting for my life to start.

  One day, I thought, one day, things will be different for me. But only if I make it so. I was no longer a boy, but I still thought like one. I still thought of myself as one. I took myself terribly seriously, but knew deep within, that no one else did. I kept trying to re-invent myself, but I never created a me that could last more than a few months, then it was back to this ... boy.

  How far was I willing to let go and move on?

  Perhaps I might find myself a comfortable place, and lie there, and forever wait for the footfalls(脚步) of my destiny to come and find me. But it could, I thought, take a long time - a lifetime of waiting. Did I want to wait like Bram still did?

  Because he still did.

  Through winters, through summers - fifty odd of them.

  Bram still waited out there.

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