Two Brothers(3)

2016-05-16  |  

  Soon a lady with a water pot passed by him. He said to the lady, "Excuse me, but I'm so thirsty. Would you give me some water?"

  He was given water and gave his necklace to her in return for her kindness. She was a maid working for the Princess in the castle. She showed the necklace to the princess, who had never seen such a wonderful one before that she brought it to her father, the King. He watched it carefully and said, "This is unbelievable The man must be an important man. We can't leave him standing at the gate."

  The Mountain man was invited in the castle and treated so nice meals every day.

  A few days later, the King said to him, "We would like to have you as a husband for my daughter."

  One year had passed quickly since they got married in the castle.

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