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Let's go shopping! 教案

  • 小学英语沪教版第九册 Let's go shopping! 教案

  • 沪教版五上《Let's go shopping!》教学实录

    1、 I need five workers!开始上课时,我穿上工作服将自己装扮成超市老板。对学生说I am the boss of this supermarket! I need five workers! One day work, one day rest. And each day I pay ...
  • 沪教版五上《Let's go shopping!》教学反思

    首先是我对本课的认识。本课为第三单元的引领课,它在本单元中起到一个引入的作用。本课介绍了不同商店的名称以及表达自己需要的简单句型I want____以及建议性句型Let’s go to the____....
  • 沪教版五上《Let's go shopping!》教学反思

  • 沪教版五上《Let's go shopping!》教学反思

  • 牛津英语5A:M3 unit2 Let's go shopping!第4课时

    Period 4Contents:A: Words: buyB: Structures: What’s she buying?Mrs Wang’s buying some bread..C: Functions: Talking about money and the price of things.Learning tag...
  • 牛津英语5A:M3 unit2 Let's go shopping!第3课时

    Period 3Contents:A: Words: excuseB: Structures: I like that ball.Which one?The big blue one.How much is that ball?Excuse me.C: Functions: Asking about and expressing likes, dis...
  • 牛津英语5A:M3 unit2 Let's go shopping!第2课时

    Period 2Contents:A: Words: fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred,noteB: Structures: How much money have you got?A ¥10 note is grey.I’ve got eighty yuan.C: Functions: Talking abo...
  • 牛津英语5A:M3 unit2 Let's go shopping!第1课时

    Period 1Contents:A: Words: pencil caseB: Structures: I want a new ball.I want a new umbrella. That one’s big.This one’s nice.C: Functions: Counting up to one hundred.Learni...
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