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What do they want? 教案

  • 小学英语广东开心英语第七册 What do they want? 教案

  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》教学设计

    教学目标:1.通过读写练习,进一步理解,认读所学词汇或句型。2.语音学习。通过听,模仿,说唱歌谣等活动,学习与字母w有关的音素和单词。重点难点:1.通过练习,能灵活地熟读 : window walk week wolf water...
  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》教学设计

    学习目标:1.能够熟读并理解”Conversation”中的对话。2.通过练习,巩固do, does,don’t, doesn’t want ,wants的运用。3.通过歌曲的学习,激发学生的兴趣,巩固所学的...
  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》教学设计

    学习目标:1、 Vocabulary: computer game puzzle skateboard toy car stuffed animal drum guitar doll .2、 Conversation:A. Do you want…? Yes, I do.或Yes, please. No, I don’t...
  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》教学反思

  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》教学反思

  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》教学反思

    这节课我执教的内容是小学英语《开心学英语》四年级上册Unit 6 What do they want?第一课时conversation部分和song.《新课程标准》要求小学英语课堂教学设计要注意整体性设计,能根据小学...
  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》教学反思

  • 广东开心英语四上《What do they want?》片断赏析

    一、 Sing a song: Do you want a basketball?让学生唱这首歌,可以巩固对所学句型的熟悉程度,又可以激发学生学习英语的热情。在第一课时,学生已初步感知了了两个句型,What do you want? I want a .Do...
  • What do they want?第一课时 教案

    【在上课之前,老师将学生分成八大组,准备好每位学生人手一个头饰和一张生日心愿卡,另外,老师还在教室黑板的两边布置两棵心愿树,为最后的拓展活动做好充分的准备。】Step 1Warm-up...
  • What do they want?第四课时 教案

    Step 1 Lead-in and review.1.Review the words.T: Do you remember this picture? ( violin, watch, box)Ss: Yes.T: Ok, read the words together.Ss: …2. Sing the song.( Unit 10 of Book1)T: ...
  • What do they want?第二课时 教案

    Step1 Review the conversation1.Perform the conversation in group then have one group to perform it.(At the beginning of the class, students will perform the Conversation in group, one ...
  • 广东开心英语:Unit6 What do they want?教案(1)

    第一课时TEACHING AIMS: students can talk about and express wants, express the wants of othersTEACHING KEY: to help students to comprehend Conversation and vocabulary, ...
  • 广东开心英语:Unit6 What do they want?教案(2)

    第二课时TEACHING AIMS: students can talk about and express wants, express the wants of othersTEACHING KEY: to help students to comprehend Conversation and vocabulary, target, soundsTEACHING AI...
  • 广东开心英语:Unit6 What do they want?教案(3)

    第三课时TEACHING AIMS: students can talk about and express wants, express the wants of othersTEACHING KEY: to help students to comprehend Conversation and vocabulary,...
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