
2008-10-09  | 试题 模拟 B. 


  一. 判断你听到的号码与所给的号码是(√ )否(╳)相同。

  1 .5469   2. 6111   3. 7009   4. 3425   5. 1089

  二. 选出你听到的单词:

  1. A. panda       B. pen      C. pig

  2.A. bear         B. bike      C. boat

  3. A. we         B. three     C. tree

  4. A. knife       B. five     C. fine

  5. A. please      B. his      C. these

  6. A.there        B. chair     C. where

  7. A. cat             B. cap      C. cup

  8. A. glue         B. grey     C. green

  9. A. ear        B. egg     C. eye

  10. A. face        B. fat     C. foot

  三. 听,选,补全对话。

  1. --- What color is the ____ ? (dress, jacket )

  --- It’s ____. (yellow, blue )

  2. --- _____ my bag? ( What’s, Where’s )

  --- It’s ____ the desk. ( on, in )

  3. --- How many ____ can you see ? ( books, bikes )

  --- I can see ____. ( five, ten )

  4. -- ____ that man ? ( Who’s , Where’s )

  - -- That’s my _____. ( uncle, father )

  5. --- ____ that ? ( What’s , Where’s )

  --- It’s a _______. ( fan, fish )


  一. 找出下列有错的单词:

  1. A. yes     B. theer     C. her         D. nose

  2. A.ing       B. panda     C. family       D. cake

  3. A. glasses   B. jacket    C. letter        D. lessan

  4.A square    B. your      C. use          D. toy

  5. A. aver      B. mug      C. light         D. hair

  二. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式:

  1. eye (同音词)      2. I am(缩写)

  3. see(近义词)       4. no(同音词)

  5. photo(复数)       6. they(宾格)

  7. four(同音词)      8. up(反义词)

  9. here(反义词)      10. she (名词性物主代词)

  三. 选择:

  1. Is she a teacher ?

  ____, she’s a student.

  A. Not     B. And     C. No

  2. A book and two pencils, ___.

  A. sorry    B. please    C. pardon

  3. He is a student and needs a ____ and a watch.

  A. pen      B. dress     C. handbag

  4. A: This is your book.

  B: Thank you ____.

  A. very        B. very much       C. yes

  5. Is this your dress?

  ___, it is.

  A. Is       B. Yes      C. Very

  6. What ___ you think ? A cat or a hat ?

  A. are       B. is        C. am       D. do

  7. What color is it ?

  It’s ___ orange. It’s ___ orange cup.

  A. a;an     B. an;an     C. /;an      D. an;/

  8. What ___ are you in ?

  I’m in ___ 6.

  A. grade; grade       B. Grade; Grade     

  C. Grade; grade       D. grade ;Grade

  9. Where are ____ pens?

  ___ are in ____ bags.

  A. their; Their; they       B. they ;They; their

  C. their; They ;their       D. their; They; they

  10. Please give ____ that ruler. It’s ___.

  A. she, her       B. her, hers     C. she ,hers     D. her, her



  一. 判断你听到的号码与所给的号码是(√ )否(╳)相同。

  1 .5469 √  2. 6111 √  3. 7009 ╳  4. 3425 ╳  5. 1089  √

  二. 选出你听到的单词:

  C 1. A. panda         B. pen      C. pig

  A 2.A. bear           B. bike      C. boat

  B 3. A. we           B. three     C. tree

  B 4. A. knife         B. five     C. fine

  C 5. A. please        B. his      C. these

  A 6. A.there          B. chair     C. where

  B 7. A. cat           B. cap      C. cup

  B 8. A. glue          B. grey     C. green

  C 9. A. ear          B. egg     C. eye

  A 10. A. face             B. fat     C. foot

  三. 听,选,补全对话。

  1. --- What color is the jacket? (dress, jacket )

  --- It’s blue. (yellow, blue )

  2. --- Where’s my bag? ( What’s, Where’s )

  --- It’s on the desk. ( on, in )

  3. --- How many bikes can you see ? ( books, bikes )

  --- I can see five. ( five, ten )

  4. -- Who’s that man ? ( Who’s , Where’s )

  - -- That’s my father. ( uncle, father )

  5. --- What’s that ? ( What’s , Where’s )

  --- It’s a fish. ( fan, fish )


  一. 找出下列有错的单词:

  B 1. A. yes       B. theer     C. her         D. nose

  A 2. A.ing         B. panda     C. family       D. cake

  D 3. A. glasses     B. jacket    C. letter        D. lessan

  A 4.A square      B. your      C. use          D. toy

  A 5. A. aver       B. mug      C. light         D. hair

  二. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式:

  1. eye (同音词)I         2. I am(缩写) I’m

  3. see(近义词)look       4. no(同音词) know

  5. photo(复数) photos    6. they(宾格) them

《三年级上学期模拟试题》摘要: cup 8. A. glue B. grey C. green 9. A. ear B. egg C. eye 10. A. face B. fat C. foot 三. 听,选,补全对话。 1. --- What color is the ? (dress, jacket ) --- It’s . (yellow, blue ) 2. --- my...
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