She is my mother

2008-10-21  | mother grandfather Teaching 

  She is my mother.

  Total: 3   Lesson: 2

  Teaching purpose: Use pronouns to identify people.

  Ask a ‘Who’ question

  Use adj to describe people.

  Teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty

  Who is this? It is me.

  Who is he? He is my father.

  He is handsome.

  I love my father.

  Teaching procedures:

  A: Revision

  1. Singing: Hello, How are you?

  I like coffee

  Teddy Bear

  2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old,

  grandmother, grandmother, healthy,

  father, father, handsome,

  mother, mother, pretty,

  uncle, uncle, fat,

  auntie, auntie, slim,

  sister, sister, smart,

  brother, brother, naughty,

  I am lovely.

  3.Tony’s family picture: Who is he? He is my father.

  a.   The teacher asks and the students answer.

  b.   Boys ask and girls answer.

  c.   Girls ask and boys answer.

  4.Singing: Who is he?

  B: Presentation


  1.  A picture of myself:

  T: Who is she? Ss: She is Miss Zhang.

  T: Yes, it is me.

  2.  Teach the new structure: Who is this? It is me.

  3.  A picture of our class: ( All the students ask together, and the one who

  is in the picture should stand up and says: It is me.)

  Ss: Who is this? S1:It is me.

  4.  A Game: Look at the screen and the one appear on the screen

  should stand up and say the sentence.

  Tony, Tony, can you see?

  Tony, Tony, it is me.


  1.  Go back to Tony’s family picture.

  2. father—father, handsome

  mother—mother, pretty

  sister—sister, smart

  brother—brother, naughty

  3.  Draw the lines.

  naughty    smart     pretty     handsome

《She is my mother》摘要:the students answer.b. Boys ask and girls answer.c. Girls ask and boys answer.4.Singing: Who is he?B: Presentationa.1. A picture of myself:T: Who is she? Ss: She is Miss Zhang.T: Yes, it is me.2. Tea...
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