UNIT11 The Lion and the Mouse 教学实录

2011-04-18  | 伊索 牛津 教学 

  2008年11月,在泰安召开的山东省创新教育课堂教学观摩研讨会上,我执教了牛津英语(上海版)四年级的一节故事课《The lion and the mouse狮子和老鼠》。一个改编自《伊索寓言》的故事,其中有深层次的寓意。大意是:一只强壮的狮子和一只弱小的老鼠之间的故事,小老鼠最后凭借自己的勇敢解救了狮子。从文本看,难度基本符合现在四年级的学生。但我认为,不仅要把目标放在掌握重点单词、句式上,还应该让学生深入理解故事内容。这里面最重要的是激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的听、说、读、写、演各种技能,发挥想象力,在共同参与教学活动中有意识地培养学生综合语言运用能力。下面就是这堂课的教学实录:

  一.Warming up and revision. 热身和复习


  T: This is the first time for me to come here. I like to be here to have English class with you. Do you like to have an English class with me?

  Ss: Yes!

  T: Thank you! I know your English teacher is Miss Wang. She is very young, she is beautiful, she is tall, and she is thin, she is kind, her hair is long. Can you say something about me? S1: You are tall.

  S2: You are beautiful.

  S3: Your nose is small.

  S4: You are thin.

  S5: Your hair is long.

  2. Review the adjectives.

  T: Tall, thin, beautiful鈥re all adjectives. (形容词) I know you have known many adjectives. Let鈥檚 play a game of adjectives. I say big, and you say the opposite word 鈥渟mall鈥.

  Big---small, long---short, tall---short, cold---hot, new---old, fast---slow, fat----thin, white---black, .strong---weak. (板书 strong---weak)

《UNIT11 The Lion and the Mouse 教学实录》摘要: class with you. Do you like to have an English class with me? Ss: Yes! T: Thank you! I know your English teacher is Miss Wang. She is very young, she is beautiful, she is tall, and she is thin, she ...
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