ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÈý¿Îʱ½Ì°¸

2016-07-20  | Å£½ò ÁùÏ ²¢ÄÜ 


¡¡¡¡¡¶ÒåÎñ½ÌÓý¿Î³Ì±ê׼ʵÑé½Ì¿ÆÊé· Å£½òСѧӢÓï¡·6BµÚÒ»µ¥ÔªµÚÈý½Ìʱ£¨A. Listen, read and say P7²¿·Ö¡¢


¡¡¡¡1. ÄÜÕýÈ·Ìý˵¶Áд´Ê»ãhave any brothers or sisters£¬the only child£¬in your family£¬one year younger than me£¬my mum says£¬Jack's dog£¬ you've got.

¡¡¡¡2. ³õ²½ÕÆÎÕÀí½â¾äÐÍ£¬²¢ÄÜÔÚ½»¼ÊÖпÚÍ·ÔËÓñȽϼ¶¾äÐÍ¡£

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¡¡¡¡4. ÄÜÕýÈ·Íê³ÉP7Á·Ï°¡£


¡¡¡¡1. ÄÜÕýÈ·Ìý˵¶Áд´Ê»ãhave any brothers or sisters£¬the only child£¬in your family£¬one year younger than me£¬my mum says£¬Jack's dog£¬ you’ve got.

¡¡¡¡2. ÄÜÕýÈ·Àí½â¡¢ÕÆÎÕA²¿·Ö»á»°£¬²¢ÄÜÀʶÁ¡¢³õ²½±íÑݶԻ°¡£


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¡¡¡¡d¡¢ °åÊé×¼±¸Ô¤ÏÈдºÃ¿ÎÌâUnit 1 Who is younger?


¡¡¡¡A. Ìý¸èÇúI wish I was taller.

¡¡¡¡B. Free talk

¡¡¡¡T: Who’s taller than xxx?

¡¡¡¡S: xxx is taller than xxx. /xxx is as tall as xxx. £¨¾Ù°à¼¶ÖÐÁ½¸öѧÉúΪÀý£¬Ò»¸ö¸ßÒ»¸ö°«¡¢

¡¡¡¡T: Who’s younger than xxx?

¡¡¡¡S: xxx's £¨twenty minutes¡¢ younger than xxx.£¨¾Ù°à¼¶ÖÐÁ½¸öÄêÁäÓвîÒìµÄѧÉúΪÀý¡¢

¡¡¡¡T: Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?

¡¡¡¡S: Yours, I think. £¨ÁàÆðÁ½¸öÊé°ü£¬±È±ÈÇáÖØ¡¢

¡¡¡¡T: Who is shorter/stronger than xxx?

¡¡¡¡T: Whose rubber is bigger, his or hers? …

¡¡¡¡C. Revision

¡¡¡¡a¡¢ ÌýPart AÇ°°ë²¿·Ö¼Òô

¡¡¡¡T: Today we’ll Listen to a dialogue, and find out the answer.

¡¡¡¡1¡¢ When did Su Hai meet Ben and her cousin?

¡¡¡¡2¡¢ Where did they have a chat?

¡¡¡¡3¡¢ Does Su Hai have a twin sister? What’s her name?

¡¡¡¡4¡¢ Do they look the same? Who's younger, Su Hai or Su Yang?

¡¡¡¡5¡¢ Is Su Hai as tall as her twin sister?

¡¡¡¡b¡¢ Let Ss listen to the tape, answer it.

¡¡¡¡1¡¢ On Sunday morning.

¡¡¡¡2¡¢ In the park under a big tree.

¡¡¡¡3¡¢ Yes, she is. Her name is Su Yang.

¡¡¡¡4¡¢ Yes, they do. Su Yang is younger.

¡¡¡¡5¡¢ No, she isn’t. Su Hai is taller than Su Yang.

¡¡¡¡D. Presentation and practice:

¡¡¡¡1£® ʦÉú¶Ô»°Òý³öÐÂÊÚ¿ÎÎÄ¡£

¡¡¡¡T: Are you xxx?

¡¡¡¡S1: Yes.

¡¡¡¡T: How old are you, xxx?

¡¡¡¡S1: I'm 13.

¡¡¡¡T: How old are you, xxx?

¡¡¡¡S2: I'm 13.

¡¡¡¡T: Oh, xxx is as old as xxx.

¡¡¡¡S3: I'm 14.

¡¡¡¡T: Oh, xxx is one year older than xxx.

¡¡¡¡£¨½Ìʦ¿É¸ù¾Ýʵ¼ÊÇé¿ö£¬Ò²¿ÉÀûÓÃͼƬÒýµ¼Ñ§Éú²ÙÁ·Ss practice in pairs¡¢

¡¡¡¡2£® ¼ÌÐøѧϰ¿ÎÎÄT asks S1: How many people are there in your family?

¡¡¡¡S1: Three.

¡¡¡¡T: Who are they?

¡¡¡¡S1: They are my father, my mother and I.

¡¡¡¡T: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

¡¡¡¡S1: No, I don’t have any brother or sisters.

¡¡¡¡T: So you’re the only child in your family.


¡¡¡¡3£® T asks S2: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

¡¡¡¡S2: No, I don’t.

¡¡¡¡T: So you’re the only child in your family, too.

¡¡¡¡Òýµ¼S1˵³öSo he’s the only child in his family. £¨½ÌÊÚthe only child¡¢

¡¡¡¡4£® T: Do you have any cats or dogs?

¡¡¡¡Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

¡¡¡¡T: Do you think they are our friends?

¡¡¡¡Ss: Yes, I do.

¡¡¡¡T: Do you think they are our brothers or sisters?

¡¡¡¡Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

¡¡¡¡5£® ½ÌʦָͼƬT: And Jack’s got a brother, is he a boy or a dog? Listen to the tape.

¡¡¡¡6£® Let Ss listen to the tape two times, answer it .

¡¡¡¡1¡¢ Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?

¡¡¡¡£¨No, he's the only child in his family.£©

¡¡¡¡2¡¢ How old is Jack?

¡¡¡¡£¨He's six. He's one year older than Jimmy.£©

¡¡¡¡3¡¢ Is Jack the only child?

¡¡¡¡£¨Yes, he is.£©

¡¡¡¡4¡¢ How old is Jack?

¡¡¡¡£¨He’s six.£©

¡¡¡¡5¡¢ How old is Jimmy?

¡¡¡¡£¨It’s five.£©

¡¡¡¡E. Listen, read and practice

¡¡¡¡1. ¿´Í¼Æ¬Ìý¼Òô¡££¨ÈÃͬѧÃÇ°ÑÊé·­µ½P7£¬½Ìʦ¿É½«´ËҳͼÖƳɶàýÌå³öʾ£©

¡¡¡¡2. Ä£·Â¼Òô£¬ÀʶÁ¿ÎÎÄÒ»±é£¬¿´Í¼Æ¬£¬²ÙÁ·Óë¿ÎÎÄÏà¹ØµÄ¶Ô»°¡£

¡¡¡¡3. ½Ìʦ³öʾ¿ÎÎÄÖеÄÁ½ÕÅͼƬ

¡¡¡¡T: Please say something about the two pictures.


¡¡¡¡4. Íê³ÉP7Á·Ï°£¨¶àýÌå³öʾ£©¡£

¡¡¡¡£¨cousin, six, dog, younger.£©

¡¡¡¡F. Consolidation

¡¡¡¡1. Play a game.

¡¡¡¡l Have S1 tell T or S2 the friend's name

¡¡¡¡l Have T or S2 introduce the friend

¡¡¡¡l Have other Ss guess

¡¡¡¡l Play this game in the group

¡¡¡¡2. Íê³É²¹³äÁ·Ï°

¡¡¡¡G. Homework

¡¡¡¡1. Ìý¼Òô£¬ÓÃÕýÈ·µÄÓïÒôÀʶÁ±¾¿Î¿ÎÎÄ¡£

¡¡¡¡2. ³­Ð´±¾¿ÎÒªÇóÕÆÎյĴÊ×é¡£

¡¡¡¡3. С×é½øÐпÎÎĵıíÑÝ£¬¸ù¾Ýʵ¼ÊÇé¿ö½øÐд´×÷¡£

¡¡¡¡4. µ÷²é°à¼¶Í¬Ñ§µÄÄêÁäºÍÉí¸ß£¬ÎªÏÂÒ»½Ú¿Î×öºÃ×¼±¸¡£

¡¡¡¡I. ²Î¿¼´ð°¸

¡¡¡¡1¡¢ cousin, six, dog, younger

¡¡¡¡2¡¢thinner, long, taller, says, him

¡¶ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡°Who is younger?¡±µÚÈý¿Îʱ½Ì°¸¡·ÕªÒª£ºÑݶԻ°¡£ ½ÌѧÄѵ㣺 a¡¢ ÄÜÕýÈ·Àí½â¡¢ÕÆÎÕA²¿·Ö»á»°£¬²¢ÄÜÀʶÁ¡¢³õ²½±íÑݶԻ°¡£ b¡¢ ³õ²½ÕÆÎÕÀí½â¾äÐÍ£¬²¢ÄÜÔÚ½»¼ÊÖпÚÍ·ÔËÓñȽϼ¶¾äÐÍ¡£ ¿ÎÇ°×¼±¸£º a¡¢ ½Ì¾ß×¼±¸ÒÀÕտα¾ÖÆ×÷¶àýÌå¿Î¼þ¡£ b¡¢ ×¼±¸Â¼Òô»úºÍ±¾¿Î...
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ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÁù¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÎå¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÈý¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚ¶þ¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÒ»¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚÁù¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚÎå¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚËÄ¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚÈý¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚ¶þ¿Îʱ½Ì°¸


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