外研社(一起)二上《How do you go to school?》教学设计

2016-08-02  | 教学 外研社 school 


  1.Knowledge and Ability Aim

  (1)Learn and try to understand and read the words: by bus, walk to school, by car, by bike

  (2)Learn the target sentences: How do you go to school?

  (3)Try to talk about the ways of going to school in real-life situation. At the same time, raise the students鈥 language abilities.

  2.Process and Methods Aim

  Use Task-based Learning and Situation Learning .

  3. Emotion Aim :Cooperate well and help with each other.


  1.Key points

  Talk about the ways of going to school in real-life situation by using the phrases: by bus, walk to school, by car, by bike and drill: How do you go to school?


  How to use the new words and the drills to Talk about the ways of going to school freely and fluently in our daily life.


  Tape-recorder, Cards, CAI


  一、Warming up

  1.Greetings: Class begins. Stand up! Good morning, boys and girls.

  How are you?

  Let鈥檚 chant: play----I play, you play, he plays, she plays, it plays.

  go----I go, you go, he goes, she goes, it goes.

  2.Free talk

  ①What time do you go to school?

  ②How do you go to school?

  二、Task-presenting and preparing

  1.Today I bring three friends to you, now look!(Show three head ornaments)

  This is Amy. This is Lingling. And this is Tom. He is Amy鈥檚 little brother. Let鈥檚 listen, how do they go to school?

  Open your books, turn to page 30, listen and point.

  2.Let鈥檚 listen again, I will ask:

  ① If you were Amy, how do you go to school?

  ② If you were Lingling, how do you go to school?

  ③ Does Tom go to school by car?

  3. After listening, answer the questions:

  ①If you were Amy, how do you go to school?

  I go to school by bus./ She goes to school by bus.(Show CAI:

  picture of bus and 鈥渂y bus鈥潱 do action, read the phrase two by two, then boys and girls.)

  ②If you were Lingling, how do you go to school?

  I walk to school./ She walks to school. (Show CAI: picture of walk and 鈥渨alk to school鈥潱 do action, read the phrase two by two, then group by group.)

  ③Does Tom go to school by car? (Show CAI: picture of car and 鈥渂y car鈥潱 do action, read the phrase two by two, then row by row.)

  No, he doesn鈥檛. He goes to school by bus.

  4.Guess: How does Daming go to school?

  He goes to school by bus. (Show CAI: picture of bike and 鈥渂y bike鈥潱 do action, read the phrase two by two, then boys and girls)

  5.Read the four phrases and do actions: by bus, walk, by car, by bike

  Practise in groups.

  6.Play a game between four groups:

  Teacher does actions, students say.

  Student does actions, students say.

  7.Teacher asks, students answer: How do you go to school?

  Then try to say: How do you go to school?

  三、Practising and counseling

  1. Look! A photo of me.(Show CAI) I go to work by bus. What鈥檚 meaning of 鈥済o to work鈥潱 Guess!

  Read the phrase row by row, then together.

  2.(Show head ornament)Look, a new friend. He is Lingling鈥檚 father.

  I go to work by bus. Let鈥檚 listen! How does he go to work?

  3. After listening, answer the question: How does he go to work?

  4. Ask and answer: How does your father go to work?

  5. Do you know : How does my father go to work? Guess!

  He works in Shanghai.

  He goes to work by ship. Read and do action.

  6. The Olympic Game will be held in Beijing in 2008.

  My sister wants to go to Beijing. How does she go to Beijing?

  She goes to Beijing by plane. Read and do action.

  She goes to Beijing by train. Read and do action.

  7.Read the phrases and do actions:

  By bus, walk to school, by car, by bike, by ship, by plane, by train

  8.Play games: ① Teacher does actions, students say.

  ② Teacher shows CAI, students guess.


  1.Listen and point.

  2.Listen and repeat.

  3.Listen and circle some phrases and words.

  4.Check the words and phrases.

  5.Practise by the students.

  6.Show students鈥 photos and say the ways of going to school.

  五、Sum up and homework.

《外研社(一起)二上“How do you go to school?”教学设计》摘要:e, raise the students’ language abilities. 2.Process and Methods Aim Use Task-based Learning and Situation Learning . 3. Emotion Aim :Cooperate well and help with each other. 重点难点: 1.Key ...
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