《宝岛》第十二章 军事会议

2016-09-07  | 宝岛 会议 almost 

  THERE was a great rush of feet across the deck. I could hear people tumbling up from the cabin and the foc's'le; and, slipping in an instant outside my barrel, I dived behind the fore-sail, made a double towards the stern, and came out upon the open deck in time to join Hunter and Dr Livesey in the rush for the weather bow.

  There all hands were already congregated. A belt of fog had lifted almost simultaneously with the appearance of the moon. Away to the south-west of us we saw two low hills, about a couple of miles apart, and rising behind one of them a third and higher hill, whose peak was still buried in the fog. All three seemed sharp and conical in figure.

  So much I saw, almost in a dream, for I had not yet recovered from my horrid fear of a minute or two before. And then I heard the voice of Captain Smollett issuing orders. The Hispaniola was laid a couple of points nearer the wind, and now sailed a course that would just clear the island on the east.

  `And now, men,' said the captain, when all was sheeted home, `has any one of you ever seen that land ahead?'

  `I have, sir,' said Silver. `I've watered there with a trader I was cook in.'

  `The anchorage is on the south, behind an islet, I fancy?' asked the captain.

  `Yes, sir; Skeleton Island they calls it. It were a main place for pirates once, and a hand we had on board knowed all their names for it. That hill to the nor'ard they calls the Fore-mast Hill; there are three hills in a row running south'ard - fore, main, and mizzen, sir. But the main - that's the big 'un, with the cloud on it - they usually calls the Spy-glass, by reason of a look-out they kept when they was in the anchorage cleaning; for it's there they cleaned their ships, sir, asking your pardon.'

  `I have a chart here,' says Captain Smollett. `See if that's the place.'

  Long John's eyes burned in his head as he took the char but, by the fresh look of the paper, I knew he was doom to disappointment. This was not the map we found in Billy Bones's chest, but an accurate copy, complete in all things - names and heights and soundings - with the single except it of the red crosses and the written notes. Sharp as must have been his annoyance, Silver had the strength of mind to hide it.

  `Yes, sir,' said he, `this is the spot to be sure; and very prettily drawed out. Who might have done that, I wonder The pirates were too ignorant, I reckon. Ay, here it is: ``Capt. Kidd's Anchorage'' - just the name my shipmate called it. There's a strong current runs along the south, and then away nor'ard up the west coast. Right you was, sir,' says he, haul your wind and keep the weather of the island. Leastways, if such was your intention as to enter and careen, and the ain't no better place for that in these waters.

  `Thank you, my man,' says Captain Smollett. `I'll ask you later on, to give us a help. You may go.'

  I was surprised at the coolness with which John avowed his knowledge of the island; and I own I was half-frighten' when I saw him drawing nearer to myself. He did not know to be sure, that I had overheard his council from the apple barrel, and yet I had, by this time, taken such a horror his cruelty, duplicity, and power, that I could scarce conceal a shudder when he laid his hand upon my arm.

  `Ah,' says he, `this here is a sweet spot, this island - a sweet spot for a lad to get ashore on. You'll bathe, and you'll climb trees, and you'll hunt goats, you will; and you'll get aloft them hills like a goat yourself. Why, it makes me young again I was going to forget my timber leg, I was. It's a pleasant thing to be young, and have ten toes, and you may lay that. When you want to go a bit of exploring, you just an old John, and he'll put up a snack for you to take along.'

  And clapping me in the friendliest way upon the shoulder he hobbled off forward and went below.

  Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr Livesey were talking together on the quarterdeck, and, anxious as I was to tell them my story, I durst not interrupt them openly. While I was still casting about in my thoughts to find some probable excuse, Dr Livesey called me to his side. He had left his pipe below, and being a slave to tobacco, had meant that I should fetch it; but as soon as I was near enough ta speak and not to be overheard, I broke out immediately: `Doctor, let me speak. Get the captain and squire down to the cabin, and then make some pretence to send for me. I have terrible news.'

  The doctor changed countenance a little, but next moment he was master of himself.

  `Thank you, Jim,' said he, quite loudly, `that was all I wanted to know,' as if he had asked me a question.

  And with that he turned on his heel and rejoined the other two. They spoke together for a little, and though none of them started, or raised his voice, or so much as whistled, it was plain enough that Dr Livesey had communicated my request; for the next thing that I heard was the captain giving an order to Job Anderson, and all hands were piped on deck.

  `My lads,' said Captain Smollett, `I've a word to say to you. This land that we have sighted is the place we have been sailing for. Mr Trelawney, being a very open-handed gentleman, as we all know, has just asked me a word or two, and as I was able to tell him that every man on board had done his duty, alow and aloft, as I never ask to see it done better, why, he and I and the doctor are going below to the cabin to drink your health and luck, and you'll have grog served out for you to drink our health and luck. I'll tell you what I think of this: I think it handsome. And if you think as I do, you'll give a good sea cheer for the gentleman that does it.'

  The cheer followed - that was a matter of course; but it rang out so full and hearty, that I confess I could hardly believe these same men were plotting for our blood.

  `One more cheer for Cap'n Smollett,' cried Long John, when the first had subsided.

  And this also was given with a will.

  On the top of that the three gentlemen went below, and not long after, word was sent forward that Jim Hawkins was wanted in the cabin.

  I found them all three seated round the table, a bottle c Spanish wine and some raisins before them, and the doctor smoking away, with his wig on his lap, and that, I knew, was a sign that he was agitated. The stern window was open, for it was a warm night, and you could see the moon shining behind on the ship's wake.

  `Now, Hawkins,' said the squire, `you have something say. Speak up.'

  I did as I was bid, and as short as I could make it, to] the whole details of Silver's conversation. Nobody interrupted me till I was done, nor did any one of the three of them make so much as a movement, but they kept their eyes upon my face from first to last.

  `Jim,' said Dr Livesey, `take a seat.'

  And they made me sit down at table beside them, poured me out a glass of wine, filled my hands with raisins, and three, one after the other, and each with a bow, drank my good health, and their service to me, for my luck and courage.

  `Now, captain,' said the squire, `you were right, and I was wrong. I own myself an ass, and I await your orders.'

  `No more an ass than I, sir,' returned the captain. `I never heard of a crew that meant to mutiny but what showed signs before, for any man that had an eye in his head to see the mischief and take steps according. But this crew,' he added `beats me.'

  `Captain,' said the doctor, `with your permission, that Silver. A very remarkable man.'

  `He'd look remarkably well from a yard-arm, sir,' returned the captain. `But this is talk; this don't lead to anything. I see three or four points, and with Mr Trelawney's permission I'll name them.'

  `You, sir, are the captain. It is for you to speak,' says Mr Trelawney, grandly.

  `First point,' began Mr Smollett. `We must go on, because we can't turn back. If I gave the word to go about, they would rise at once. Second point, we have time before us - at least until this treasure's found. Third point, there are faithful hands. Now, sir, it's got to come to blows sooner or later and what I propose is, to take time by the forelock, as the saying is, and come to blows some fine day when they least expect it. We can count, I take it, on your own home servants, Mr Trelawney?'

  `As upon myself,' declared the squire.

  `Three,' reckoned the captain, `ourselves make seven, counting Hawkins, here. Now, about the honest hands?'

  `Most likely Trelawney's own men,' said the doctor; `those he had picked up for himself, before he lit on Silver.'

  `Nay,' replied the squire, `Hands was one of mine.'

  `I did think I could have trusted Hands,' added the captain.

  `And to think that they're all Englishmen!' broke out the squire. `Sir, I could find it in my heart to blow the ship up.'

  `Well, gentlemen,' said the captain, `the best that I can say is not much. We must lay to, if you please, and keep a bright look out. It's trying on a man, I know. It would be pleasanter to come to blows. But there's no help for it till we know our men. Lay to, and whistle for a wind, that's my view.'

  `Jim here,' said the doctor, `can help us more than anyone. The men are not shy with him, and Jim is a noticing lad.'

  `Hawkins, I put prodigious faith in you,' added the squire. I began to feel pretty desperate at this, for I felt altogether helpless; and yet, by an odd train of circumstances, it was indeed through me that safety came. In the meantime, talk as we pleased, there were only seven out of the twenty-six on whom we knew we could rely; and out of these seven one was a boy, so that the grown men on our side were six to their nineteen







  鈥準牵笙拢凰墙兴橑槛玫衡櫋D窃呛5脸雒坏闹饕氐悖颐谴嫌懈鋈酥浪歉鸬乃械拿啤1北叩哪亲∩剿墙凶鲡樓拔ι解櫍淮幽嵌蚰峡矗 并列的是三座山鈥斺斍拔Α⒅魑秃笪Γ笙隆5侵魑︹斺斁褪谴蟮摹⑸厦嬗性频哪亲斺斔峭ǔ=兴樛毒瞪解櫍蛭彼窃诿叵创保芘筛鋈嗽谀抢锏H喂弁灰蛭蔷褪窃谀嵌创笙隆2坏敝Γ肽鸌NO鈥︹︹



  鈥準钦庋笙拢澦担溈隙ň褪钦飧龅氐悖徊⑶一孟嗟钡木贰N移婀帜鞘撬哪兀亢5撩翘拗怀隼矗夜兰疲。饩褪橇耍衡樋卮は旅︹ 鈥斺斦俏业拇呀兴拿啤U饫镉幸坏篮芮康乃鞔幽媳吖矗缓笱匚靼断虮绷魅ァD闶嵌缘模笙拢澦担溨辽伲悄阆虢坌拚幌碌幕埃谡饫锸辗 靠拢下风岸,再也没有比这一带水域更适宜的地方了。鈥


  我对约翰公开承认他对这个岛的了解时所表现出来的冷静感到吃惊,并且我承认, 当我看到他走近我时,我都吓傻了。可以断定,他不知道我在苹果桶里偷听了他的作战会议,然而,直到这时,我对他的残忍、口蜜腹剑和威力仍是那样的恐惧,以致当他把手搭到我肩上时,我几乎不能遏制地战栗起来。

  鈥湴。澦担溦舛歉隹砂牡胤剑飧龅衡斺敹杂谝桓鲂』镒永此担系侥巧厦媸钦婧冒 D憧梢韵春K。憧梢耘朗鳎慊箍梢源蛏窖颍阏娴目梢裕徊⑶夷阕约夯箍梢韵裢飞窖蛩频嘏赖侥切┬∩蕉ド狭ā0。刮抑赜帜昵崞鹄蠢病N铱煲粑业哪就攘ǎ艺娴目煲衾病D昵帷⒂惺鼋胖和罚嗪冒。阋靼渍庖坏恪 什么时候你想去寻幽探胜了,只要跟老约翰打个招呼,他就会为你配制一份快餐,让你随身带上。鈥






  鈥湹苄置牵澦鼓刑卮に档溃溛矣谢耙阅忝撬怠N颐且丫吹降恼饪槁降兀 正是我们一直航行所要到达的地方。特里罗尼先生,这位众所周知的、非常慷慨的绅士, 刚刚问了我一两句话,而我告诉他,船上的每一个人,从上到下,都尽到了他的职责, 比我要求的做得还要好,因此,他和我,以及医生,准备到下面的特舱去,为你们的健康和好运干杯,同时也为你们备了些水酒,来为我们的健康和好运干杯。我将告诉你们 我是怎样看待此事的:我认为这是慷慨之举。而如果你们也和我想得一样的话,你们就为办这件事的先生来一个痛快的水手式的欢呼吧!鈥























  鈥溂吩谡饫铮澮缴担湵热魏稳硕晕颐嵌加杏谩D切┤硕运共黄鹗裁椿骋桑 而吉姆是个机灵的小家伙。鈥



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