5A Unit1 The first day at school(4) 教学设计

2011-04-25  | 中运 中设 教学 


  1. 通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元所学场所类和有关游乐场中设施单词

  2. 能较熟练地情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语


  1. 熟练掌握场所类和有关游乐场中设施单词

  2. 能综合运用本单元所学国单词,句子,日常用语

  3. 能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话


  1. 图片,录音机,磁带

  2. 板书准备 Unit 1 The first day at school


  Step 1

  Free talk

  Step 2

  Read and act


  Step 3

  Look ,find and say

  Step 4


  Home work

  1、请学生表演A. read and say 部分对话

  2、出示地点图片,与学生对话,谈天气和游玩计划,如 It’s a sunny day. Shall we go and play?引导学生用Good idea!或Yes.OK.回答

  1、出示a house 的图片说This is my house.

  2、教师问学生What‘s near my house?Guess!引导学生用There’s a park near your house .来猜测。

  T: Yes, there‘s a slide.

  3. listen to the tape

  4. work in pairs 问彼此What’s near your house?

  1、出示挂图几秒,即拿掉。问学生How many cars are there in the street?


  (1)How many cars are there? There are five.

  (2)How many buses are there? There are two.

  (3) How many bikes are there? There are ten.

  (4)How many trees are there? There are ten.

  1. 用这种句型谈论our school


  A: Glad to see you.

  B: Glad to see you.

  A: Is there a park near your house?

  B: Yes, there is.

  A: Are there any slides in it?

  B: Yes ,there are.....

  1. 抄写所学句子,单词

  2. 表演Read and act

  3. 自编对话

  Ss practice the whole dialog of the text.


  S: Is there a slide near your house?

  Is there a slide near my house?

  S: Yes, there is.


  学生用There are....回答。

  Ss practice.

  Reading can help ss to notice their tune and voice.

  Ss like to perform the whole text in this way.

  Part e is the extent of the text. Ss can use their own words.

  “In the street” and “in the tree “have the same prep.


《5A Unit1 The first day at school(4) 教学设计》摘要:句型和日常交际用语 二教学重点 1. 熟练掌握场所类和有关游乐场中设施单词 2. 能综合运用本单元所学国单词,句子,日常用语 3. 能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话 三课前准备 1. 图片,录音机,磁带 2. 板书准...
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