
2016-07-25  | 教学 设计 教学法 


  (1)知识目标:能熟练掌握11~20这些数字和鈥淗ow many?can you see?鈥澕捌浠卮疴淚 can see?鈥潯





  在任务中引导学生积极运用所学英语11~20这些数字和 鈥淚 have?鈥澖斜泶锖徒涣鳎寡亩嘣悄茉诮患驶疃械靡蕴逑趾头⒄埂

  教学方法:情景教学法、任务教学法、全身动作反应法、活动教学法、游戏教学法。 教具准备:课件、卡片,跳绳,各种小贴画。


  Step 1: Warming-up exercises.

  a. Greetings.

  T: There are some teachers in the classroom .Let鈥檚 greet to them. Ss: Hello! Hi! Good morning! How are you???

  b. Chant and dance together..【设计意图:通过课前的热身活动,拉近师生间的情感距离,消除学生的紧张心理,为投入本课的学习创造积极的心态。韵句FLASH动画是有关10以内数字的,和本课教学内容紧密结合。】

  Step 2: Revision.

  a. T: How many trees are there on the blackboard? Let鈥檚 count together. Ss: one two three.

  T: I have prepared a lot of fruit for you. But what fruit do you like? Now, let鈥檚 make a survey in groups and then get the fruit here. We have three groups here. Let鈥檚 name each group with the fruits and fruit names.

  Group One, apple is red and round. Do you like apples?

  S: Yes.

  Teacher can also ask the group members 鈥淲hat about you?鈥

  T: OK. You are Apple Group. The first group is Apple Group. Here鈥檚 a plate of apples and an apple tree for you.

  S: Thank you.

  T: Group Two, what do you like, oranges or bananas?

  S: Oranges.

  T: OK. You are Orange Group.

  S: Orange Group, come on, come on.

  T: Here鈥檚 a plate of oranges and an orange tree for you. Group Three, pears are yellow and sweet. Do you like pears?

  S: Yes, we do.

  T: You are Pears Group. Here鈥檚 a plate of pears and a pear tree for you.

  T: Who would like to be the group leader? You are the assessment group members today . Remember it鈥檚 an English party. So let鈥檚 speak English. No Chinese, OK? We are going to assess you in these 3 points.

  Show the assessment card. Tell them that the whole course of their activity is to be assessed and the best group is the winners.

  T: If you are good at 1 point. That鈥檚 OK. You will get a small sticker. If you are good at 2 points. That鈥檚 good. You will get a medium sticker. If you are good at 3 points. That鈥檚 great. You will get a big size sticker. Please try harder. b. T: Look at this picture,. Which numbers can you see?(CAI显示一至十这十个卡通数字)

  Ss: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten.

  T: How many numbers can you see? Ss: Ten.


  Step 3: Presentation.

  a. T: Today we鈥檒l study "How many??"(CAI)

  b. T: Look! Ballons! How many balloons can you see?(课件显示15个飘动的气球) Ss: 15.

  T: Yes, it鈥檚 fifteen . 贴英语卡片

  c. Use the same method to teach Ss how to read " thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen , eighteen, nineteen, twenty".


  d.(出示数字卡通卡片,从小学生的心理特点出发,数字拟人化)T:I have ten numbers. Guess, what鈥檚 in my hand? If you are right, the number is for you.

  Ss: Guessing the numbers:11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.

  e. T: Look carefully! What鈥檚 missing?(请学生猜猜老师拿走了黑板上的哪张卡片) f. T: The numbers and the words are good friends. Can you match them?(请学生把数字与英文单词相匹配,同时播放音乐)

  【设计意图:进一步渗透本课所学语言知识:" fifteen,fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven",形式上力求有鈥溞畔⒉钼潱苊馕抟庖宓幕敌圆倭罚镅缘牟倭吩谡媸翟擞没疃幸杂蜗沸问浇小!

  g. T: Boys and girls , are you tired? Let鈥檚 do body exercises, OK? Boys and girls. Stand up, please. Do the action and say after me.

  Ss&T: Express 1--10 with body.【设计意图:让学生在紧张的学习后得到片刻轻松的欢娱,肢体得到放松,心灵得到放飞。】

  h. T: Let鈥檚 play a game about numbers(一闪而过)。 Look, Which number? Ss: Say the numbers loudly.

  j. T: I have some balloons. How many balloons can you see?

  Ss look and answer: I can see fifteen/fourteen balloons.

  T: I have some apples. How many apples can you see?

  【设计意图:交待本课的活动任务,引导学生们运用课件来学习本课的语言功能句鈥淗ow many?can you see?鈥澕捌浠卮疴淚 can see?鈥 这一任务贴近学生生活,是学生喜闻乐见的活动,具有真实性,学习过程就是在老师引导下学生用所学语言交流的过程;在大量习得语言的基础上学得语言。同时注意对学生的评价,激励学生的学习积极性,分别进行全班评价、小组评价、个人评价和教师评价等多种形式。】

  Ss look and answer: I can see thirteen\twelve\eleven apples

  k. T: Let鈥檚 read after the computers. Ready ,go!

  Ss: fifteen\fourteen\thirteen\twelve\eleven .

  Step 4: Drills

  a. Line up every group. b. Game: Who is the biggest?

  c. Quick response.



  e. Let鈥檚 have a competition about jumping.

  f. 数各组贴画水果个数,以评出本节课的获胜小组。(学生们异常兴奋,课堂气氛达到**。)


  Step 5: Homework

  a. Say the numbers from 1 to 20 to your parents or your friends.

  b. Mime where they can use English numbers in their life in groups.


  How many??

  How many?can you see?

  I can see?

  【20】 【19】 【18】 【17】 【16】

  【15】 【14】 【13】 【12】 【11】

《冀教版(一起)一上“Numbers”教学设计》摘要:竞争意识。 重点难点: 在任务中引导学生积极运用所学英语11~20这些数字和 I have?进行表达和交流,使学生的多元智能在交际活动中得以体现和发展。 教学方法:情景教学法、任务教学法、全身动作反应法、活动教学法...
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