冀教版英语五年级上《Let’s Look at a Map!》教学设计

2016-08-12  | 教学 旧知 设计 


  学生已经了解过一些国家的名称。本课是第二单元的第一课,在整个单元起到承前启后的作用,通过对map 的介绍,引导学生初步了解几个国家的正确发音,重点学习四个方位:north, south, east, west.最后通过一首歌对本课进行总结。


  1、能认读单词:U.S. U.K. Australia Canada China

  2、能熟练读写:north, south, east, west, country, map

  3、能将四个方位熟练运用于句型: _____ points _______.


  一、Warming up and revision

  1、组织教学,创设氛围 Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Students: Fine, thanks. How are you? Teacher: Are you hot?(做出相应动作) Stus: Yes.

  2、趣味问答,复习旧知 Tea: It鈥檚 a fine day. I like to play basketball.(做出打篮球的动作) What do you like to do?

  Stu1: I like to __________.

  Stu2: I like to ___________. T

  ea: What do you like to do? (给出示意动作,让学生可以有统一答案)

  Stus: We like to skip with the skipping rope. (做出跳跳绳的动作,让学生可以直观的认识)

  二、Key Concept

  1、新授 Boys and girls, let鈥檚 guess. (引起学生兴趣)

  It鈥檚 big.(做出big 的动作让学生更加直观)

  It has many many cities, like Beijing, Shanghai, Shijiazhuang. It鈥檚 our 鈥


  Students: 国家 Teacher:

  country Stus: country Tea: country,c-o-u-n-t-r-y, country Stus: country,c-o-u-n-t-r-y, country Tea: cou-n-try(此处采用音节拼读法)

  Stus: cou-n-try Tea: Who can have a try? Who can read it? (Find a group to read this word.)

  Tea: Our country is _________. Stus:

  China Tea: Do you know another countries? Stu1: China Stu2: Canada Stu3; U.S. (United States)

  Stu4: U.K. (United Kingdom)

  Tea: OK. Let鈥檚 go on guessing!

  It鈥檚 a piece of paper.(示意纸张) It鈥檚 small, but it has many many countries. Do you know what it is ? Stus: map、地图 Tea: map (出示图卡领读) m-a-p; Stus:map Tea: Now boys and girls. Let鈥檚 play a game.I have some countries. Let鈥檚 look and see what they are.(CAI展示一张电子地图,点击地图知晓国家名称)

  Tea: The green/purple/red/yellow/blue country is ________.

  Stu1: The green country is Canada.

  Stu2: The purple country is the U.S. ./

  Stu3: The red country is China.

  Stu4: The yellow country is Australia.

  Stu5: The blue country is the U.K. .

  Tea: Do you have a map? Now let鈥檚 open your book let see the map on the book. Turn to page 18, Part One. First, try to read after it and found the questions.

  CAI出示问题: What colour is China/ the U.K./ the U.S./ Australia/ Canada? Tea: Now try to read after me. And then tell me the answer.

  Stu1: The green country is Canada.

  Stu2: The purple country is the U.S. ./

  Stu3: The red country is China.

  Stu4: The yellow country is Australia.

  Stu5: The blue country is the U.K. .

  2、课中小憩、一支歌 Tea; Are you tired? Do you want to have a rest? Let鈥檚 have a song. The wheel on the bus.(CAI课件演示,师生共舞)

  3、重点词汇,方位学习 We have sang it 鈥 The wheel on the bus go up and down. Up and down, up and down.鈥 Do you know what鈥檚 the meaning of 鈥渦p鈥 and 鈥渄own鈥潱 Stus: 上和下

  Tea: up down(动作演示,引导学生复习up, down, left, right)

  Tea: But, boys and girls. On the map we can say it (手指向上方)---- north 逐步展示方位:north, south, up , down.

  标注方位: 板书

  3、句型学习 North is up, so we can say 鈥淣orth points up.鈥 板书:North points up. Tea: Try to read after me. Stus: North points up. Tea: North points up. (手指向上方)

  So, south points_____.(让学生一步一步接着老师的话,引导学生独立运作)

  Stu1: South point down.

  Stu2: East points right

  Stu3: West points left. Tea: (一边拍手一边试着教歌谣)

  North, north, up South, south, down north south east west

《冀教版英语五年级上“Let’s Look at a Map!”教学设计》摘要:、趣味问答,复习旧知 Tea: It’s a fine day. I like to play basketball.做出打篮球的动作 What do you like to do? Stu1: I like to . Stu2: I like to . T ea: What do you like to do? 给出示意动作,让学...
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