外研社五上《You can play football well.》说课设计

2016-08-29  | 外研社 play well 


  words: catch well badly control team goalkeeper

  languages: Can you鈥Γ I can 鈥 well. I 鈥adly.


  正确运用 badly , well 评价自己和别人的表现。







  一、Warming up


  2.Ask some questions like: T: What's the weather like today?

  S: It's cloudy.

  3. Sing a song: 《I can't do it》

  I can't do it. I can't do it. Can I help you? Can I help you? We can do it together .We can do it together.


  T : Last month, we had a Sports Day. You had a fantastic score. Today, I hope you can come on, and get the golden cup.

  T : This is basketball team. (教师利用教具:足球,渗透单词"team")

  5.Act and guess: play basketball, play football, play table tennis, jump high, run fast, swim鈥Γㄇ胍桓鲅龆鳎渌隆#


  1.Leading in:

  T: I can play basketball. Can you play basketball?

  S1:Yes,I can.

  T: Can you play basketball well?

  S1:No,I can't.

  T: But I can play basketball well.

  2.Presentation of new words and drills:

  ①。 教师板书鈥淚 can play basketball well.鈥澆⒊鍪镜ゴ士ㄆ粀ell。

  T: Can you play basketball well?

  S1:No,I can't.

  T:I hope you can play basketball well.

  S1:Can you play basketball well?(教师引导学生反问,并板书:Can you play basketball well? Yes, I can. No, I can't.)

  T:Yes, I can. I can play basketball well.(教师让学生就这个新句型进行两两对话)

  ②。 T :Who is he? Can he play basketball/football well? which team is he in?(教师展示姚明和贝克汉姆的图片)

  T:贝克汉姆 can play football well. But I can't play football well. I play football badly. (教师出示单词卡片:badly)

  T: Who play football badly likes me?

  S1: I play football badly.


  T: I play football badly and swim badly. What about you?

  S1: I play table tennis badly.

  S2: I play computer games badly.


  ③。 T: Do you know 小艺?Let's look at the film《足球小子》(播放课件:《足球小子》的剪辑断片()。

  T: What's he doing?

  S:He is 控球。

  T: Yes, he is controlling the ball. Control the ball. (教师出示单词卡片: control)

  T: Who is controlling the ball well? And who is controlling the ball badly? (教师请三至四个学生到台上来控球,其他学生做评价)

  ④。 T:What's going on?(学生继续看《足球小子》断片)

  S1:若林 is catching the ball. (教师出示单词卡片: catch)

  T:Yes, he is catching the ball. Catch the ball.

  T: Catch, catch ,catch the ball.

  Ss: Catch, catch ,catch the ball.( 学生边传球边操练词组:catch the ball)


  ①。 Read the new words.(播放课件:新单词。)

  ②。 Play a game: Hide cards. (Game ruler: One pupil hides the card, and anther one finds it. Others prompt by volume far from with lower, and near with louder. Time: 30 seconds.)

  ③。 Competition: Control the ball. (Game ruler: One pupil in each team controls the ball. They must control the ball by foot and around the two chairs. Who is more quickly, Who is winner. Two times.)

  4. Learn the text

  T: Recently, I hear a news that Amy and Sam will ask our good friend Lingling to take part in the school football team. Do you want to know how is Lingling going to do?

  ①。 Listen and translate the text. (播发磁带)

  ②.Listen again and answer these questions: (课件呈现问题)

  Q1:Can Lingling run fast?

  Q2:Can Lingling control the ball?

  Q3:Can Lingling jump high?

  Q4:Can Lingling catch the ball well?

  ③.Read the text after the teacher.

  ④。 Read the text in groups.

  5.Feedback: Ss play the part of the roles to read the text.


  1.Form ----Make a survey(调查表):教师要求学生用事先做好的表格对自己的好朋友进行调查,并作记录。

  2.Write the new words.

《外研社五上“You can play football well.”说课设计》摘要:: T: What's the weather like today? S: It's cloudy. 3. Sing a song: 《I can't do it》 I can't do it. I can't do it. Can I help you? Can I help you? We can do it together .We can d...
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