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you should obey the rules 教案

  • 小学英语人教(新版)第十一册 you should obey the rules 教案

  • 人教新版六上《you should obey the rules》教学设计

    教学目标:能够用英语表述在学校、家庭、公共场所应该遵守的一些规则, 并能在实际生活中自觉运用。教学重点:熟读本课中出现的单词和句子。课前准备:1.准备本课教学挂图和录音磁带;三年级下册歌曲Nic...
  • 人教(新版)六上《you should obey the rules》作文

    Obey the traffic rulesEvery year many people get hurt or lose their lives in traffic accident. How can we obey the traffic rules? First, in most of China, we keep on the righ...
  • 人教(新版)六上《you should obey the rules》教学设计

    教学目标:会使用do, dont, should, shouldnt, must, mustnt提醒、劝告别人遵守各种规则。教学重点:能够正确地听、说、认读以下单词和短语:question, actively, dont, noise, shou...
  • unit1 you should obey the rules revision

    一、教学内容与分析Fun storyMimi, Micky和他们的小伙伴正在进行社会实践活动。他们将自制的标语牌摆放在各个公共场所,提醒人们行为要文明。然而,可笑的是,Micky刚刚将No littering...
  • unit1 you should obey the rules lesson6

    教学目标:能够正确地听、说、读、写这些句子:Listen to the teacher carefully.You should go to bed early.Look out! You must wait.教学重点:正确地听、说、读、写这些句子:Listen to the teacher c...
  • unit1 you should obey the rules lesson5

    教学目标:能够使用do, don't, should, shouldn't, must, mustn't提醒、劝告别人遵守各种规则。教学重点:使用must告诫别人“必须做某事”,使用mustn't警告别人“一定不要做某事”。...
  • unit1 you should obey the rules lesson4

  • unit1 you should obey the rules lesson1

    教学目标: 能够用英语表述在学校、家庭、公共场所应该遵守的一些规则,并能在实际生活中自觉运用。教学重点:熟读本课中出现的单词和句子。课前准备:1.准备本课教学挂图和录音磁带;三年级下...
  • unit1 you should obey the rules lesson2

    教学目标: 会使用do, don't, should, shouldn't, must, mustn't提醒、劝告别人遵守各种规则。教学重点:能够正确地听、说、认读以下单词和短语:question, actively, don't, noise, shouldn't, mess, m...
  • unit1 you should obey the rules lesson3

    教学目标:能够正确地听、说、读、写以下单词和短语:carefully, ask, make, eat, should, go, early, home, go home, look, look out, must, wait, good教学重点:学习如何用should和sho...
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