
2008-10-11  | 宝应 江苏 英语 


  一、 听音选择 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(共6小题,每小题2分。)

  ( )1.   A. fine      B. nine       C. my       D. mine

  ( )2.   A. big     B. box      C. bag      D. boy

  ( )3.   A. this     B. them     C. these      D. then

  ( )4.   A. don鈥檛     B. aren鈥檛      C. can鈥檛      D. isn鈥檛

  ( )5.  A. come on    B. come out    C. come here   D. come in

  ( )6.  A. bring a book B write a book  C. read a book  D. borrow a book

  二、听音判断 听句子,判断所听句子是否与所看到的句子完全一致, 一致在括号内打鈥溾垰鈥潱裨虼蜮溍椻潱奖椤#ü6小题,每小题2分)

  ( )1.  A So am I .       B. Of course I am.    C. I am too .

  (  )2.  A. No one鈥檚 home .   B. White one?     C. No, not that one .

  (  )3.  A I can go!         B. I can too.      C. We all can go.

  (  )4. A. I鈥檝e got a cold.     B. He鈥檚 got a goal.    C. He鈥檚 in the sports hall.

  (  )5   A. Open the closet and see!    B. Open the bag and see! 

  C. Open the box and see!

  (  )6. A. Her friends call her 鈥楾rish鈥. B. We call her 鈥楨mmy鈥.

  C. My friends call me 鈥楤ob鈥.

  三、听音选择 听对话,根据对话内容,为所听问题选择最佳答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(共6小题,每小题1分)

  (  )1.A.He likes winter best.      B. He likes spring best.     C. He likes summer best.

  (  )2. A. They鈥檙e going to have a picnic. B. They鈥檙e going to see a play.  C. They鈥檙e going to travel.

  (  )3. A. Jane.    B. Bill.       C. Bill and Jane.

  (  )4. A. By train.   B. By taxi.      C. By metro.

  (  )5. A. rainy.    B. snowy.     C. Sunny.

  (  )6. A. He has a brush.  B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn鈥檛




  ( )1. A. China      B. kick      C. fine

  (  )2. A. sweater     B. bread      C. season

  (  )3.A.worm       B. sports     C. work

  (  )4.A.yellow      B. cow      C. brown

  五、单项填空 选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。


  (  )1. My sister is ___________TV.

  A. watch     B. watches      C. watching

  (  )2. Look, Wang Bing is stopping David. He鈥檚 _________David.

  A. in front of    B. behind      C. between

  (  )3. -----What is he doing? -----He ________back to class.

  A. runing    B. running       C. is running

  (  )4. The children are singing and dancing in the ________..

  A. sports field   B. school hall    C. kitchen

  (  )5. I want _______.Can you come with me, please?

  A. to go shopping   B. to go shop    C. go to shop

  (  )6. _________don鈥檛 you play basketball with you classmates?

  A. Where    B. Why        C. what

  (  )7. I know a lot about football. Now I want to learn ______about it.

  A. many     B. some        C. more

  (  )8. ----May I put my pen on the desk?----_________..

  A. Yes, put it.   B. Yes, put them here.   C. Yes, please.

  (  )9. Lucy is twelve. I鈥檓 as ________ as her.

  A. big     B. old         C. older

  (  )10. We visit our relatives and eat a lot of delicious food _________.

  A. at Women鈥檚 Day  B. at Halloween  C. at Spring Festival

  六、完成句子  根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分)


  ----Excuse me, ___________ you tell me the __________ to the History Museum,please?


  This toy tiger is ___________ sister鈥檚. Please __________it to her.


  Whose bag is ___________, hers or yours?  ----____________ is.

  4.----哪部卡通你最喜欢? ----我最喜欢《猫和老鼠》

  ----__________ cartoon do you like __________?  ----I like .

  5.----这个星期天你们要去干什么?  ----我们要去参加歌唱比赛。

  ----What are you ___________ to do this Sunday?  ----We鈥檙e going to __________ part in the singing contest.

  6.明天你们干什么? 我们去野餐。

  What are you going to do ______________? We are going to have a _____________.


  The____________ in Africa is very_____________.


  _____________ ____________ the ball in the classroom.

  9. 有许多公共标志。他们意思指不同的事。

  There are many ______________here. They____________ different things.

  10.----你今天早上什么时候起床的?  -----我六点半起床的。

  ----_____________ did you _____________ up this morning?   -----At half past six .



  Ⅰ                           Ⅱ

  (   ) 1. Your Chinese is very good.            A. She鈥檚 going to buy her some flowers.

  (   ) 2. What would you like?                B. No, Bob is ill.

  (   ) 3. How do you do?                   C. Thank you.

  (   ) 4. I like books.                     D. Yes, this is Liu Tao.

  (   ) 5. Sorry, I鈥檓 late.                 E. How do you do?

  (   ) 6. Here鈥檚 a present for you.             F. Me too.

  (   ) 7. Is everyone at school today?          G. Yes, we are.

  (   ) 8. Are you friends?                  H. Some tea, please.

  ( ) 9. Is that Liu Tao speaking?          I. Thanks. It鈥檚 good.

  ( ) 10. What is she going to buy for her friend?   J. That鈥檚 all right.



  (  ) 1. It鈥檚 warm and sun today.          ________

  A  B   C  D

  (  ) 2. Would you like go with us?          ________

  A  B  C  D

  (  ) 3. Does he have any brothers and sisters?   ________

  A   B C      D

  (   ) 4. He likes listen to music and making paper boats. ________

  A  B   C    D

  (  ) 5. There are an old watch and a new book on the desk. ________

  A   B      C        D





  Davids birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friend.

  His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said, 鈥淭here are a lot of funny stories in it, its good for you.鈥滿ike, Davids best friend, gave him a large box. A toy car is in it.

  Davids sister gave him a round box. It was a birthday cake, he thinks. But it was a basketball. David likes playing basketball.

  Davids brother gave him a big yellow box. David opened it and there was another box in it. The box was green. He opened the small box and saw the third box. This one was blue. There was a short letter in it.鈥淕o to your study. You can see three boxes there, a black one, a grey one and a white one. Your birthday present is in one of them.鈥滵avid ran to his study and found them on the desk. The black one is bigger than the grey one, and the white one is the smallest. He opened the grey box, but found nothing in it. Then he opened the biggest one. He was very glad to see a model plane in it.

  (  )1.Davids parents put their present in     for his birthday.

  A. a yellow box  B .a lot of boxes C. a black     D. a red box

  (  )2.Who is Mike?      .

  A.A friend of Davids father.    B. One of Davids best friends.

  C. Davids brother.         D. Davids sister.

  (  )3.What colour was the biggest box?      .

  A. White      B. Black      C. Grey      D. Blue

  (  )4.How many boxes did Davids brother give to him?      

  A. Four      B. Five      C. Six       D. Seven



  Sue is only five. She doesn鈥檛 go to school. And of course, she doesn鈥檛 know how to read and write. But her sister, Ann is a schoolgirl. She is eleven.

  One day, Ann saw her little sister at the table with a pen in her hand and a big piece of paper in front of her.

  鈥 What are you doing, Sue ?鈥 Ann asked.

  鈥 I鈥檓 writing a letter to my friend Lily.鈥

  鈥 But how can you ? You don鈥檛 know how to write.鈥 Ann said.

  鈥 Well,鈥 Sue said. 鈥 It doesn鈥檛 matter(这没关系), Because Lily doesn鈥檛 know how to read.?鈥

  (  ) 1. Sue is a schoolgirl.

  (  ) 2. Ann knows how to read and wtite.

  (  ) 3. Sue can write a letter.

  (  ) 4. Lily doesn鈥檛 go to school.


  一、听音选择 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。

  1. nine  

  2. bag     

  3. this   

  4. can鈥檛     

  5. come in

  6. write a book  

  二、听音判断 听句子,判断所听句子是否与所看到的句子完全一致, 一致在括号内打鈥溾垰鈥潱裨虼蜮溍椻潱奖椤

  1. Of course I am.  

  2. No, not that one .

  3. I can go!    

  4. He鈥檚 got a goal.  

  5 Open the closet and see!   

  6. Her friends call her 鈥楾rish鈥.

  三、听音选择 听对话,根据对话内容,为所听问题选择最佳答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。

  1. A: Which season do you like best, Jim?

  B:I like summer best.

  A: Why?

  B: Because it鈥檚 hot. I can go swimming.

  Q: Which season does Jim like best?

  2. A: Hello. Is that Liu Tao?

  B: Yes, speaking.

  A: This is Mike. I鈥檓 going to see a play this afternoon. Would you like to come?

  B: Sure. I鈥檒l go with you.

  Q: What are Liu Tao and Mike going to do?

  3. A: Look, they鈥檙e running!

  B: Yes, Jane runs faster than Bob.

  A: But Bill runs faster than Jane.

  Q: Who runs faster than Bob?

  4. A: How far is the shopping centre from our school?

  B: About two kilometres.

  A: That鈥檚 a long walk. Shall we get there by taxi?

  B: No, the traffic is heavy now. Let鈥檚 go by metro.

  Q: How can we get to the shopping centre faster?

  5. A:Shall we go to Suzhou this spring?

  B: Wow, that鈥檚 great! Does it often rain spring there?

  A: Yes, it always rains.

  Q: What鈥檚 the weather like in spring in Suzhou?

  6. A: Can I have a brush, Tom?

  B: What for?

  A: I want to paint this boat.

  B: OK. Here you are.

  Q: Does Tom have a brush?

《江苏省宝应县小学英语毕业考试模拟试卷(标准)》摘要:句子,判断所听句子是否与所看到的句子完全一致, 一致在括号内打√,否则打×,听两遍。共6小题,每小题2分 ( )1. A So am I . B. Of course I am. C. I am too . ( )2. A. No one’s home . B...
新译林版六年级英语下册6B Unit3综合测试卷


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