双语故事:深情凝眸(Staring Me In The Face)(9)

2016-07-16 小精灵儿童网站 作者:李耀诗 |  

  One lunchtime I just decided to brave it and ask Malcolm who I reminded him of.

  "Met her while I was a student," he said.

  "Was she studying too?"

  "Oh, heavens, no. That was what attracted me to her. She was ... so different."

  "What were you like?" I asked.

  "Like? Much as I am now. Nose in books, bit of a loner. Not very interesting. Not for a live wire like she was."

  "Go on," I said.

  "She fell pregnant. I was very happy until she told me she didn't want my help. Thought she'd change her mind, though, as the pregnancy advanced but when I attempted to see her, she told me to leave her be. I was very hurt but accepted her refusal to involve me. A few months later, I took a job I'd been offered in New York. Salary was dreadful but I thought it would be for the best."

  "Was it? " I asked.

  "No. When I returned, they'd moved. Left no forwarding address."

  < 6 >

  "So you never knew whether it was a boy or ...? "

  "A girl?" asked Malcolm.

  I nodded.

  "A boy," he said. "Had the approximate date and went to the Registry of Births to look it up."


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