双语故事:深情凝眸(Staring Me In The Face)(5)

2016-07-16 小精灵儿童网站 作者:李耀诗 |  

  That's how it started. He asked me a question, nodded when I spoke and then asked another. I was off, talking about reading, books and all that stuff I love.

  Days later Malcolm passed our table with his tray and spontaneously I said a seat was free. Mark stared at me and I felt a rush of heat to my cheeks.

  After that, Malcolm often sat with us and he and I discussed a lot of things. We spoke a little about ourselves too. I told him how Mom had brought me up on her own at the start of the Hippie Era. He said he had married during that time but divorced a few

  years later. Mark asked me how come Malcolm and I always had so much to talk about.

  "He's easy to talk to. And he reads a lot."

  "You two got so much to say, I don't get a chance to open my mouth all lunch-time."

  "You do. You shove food in."

  One lunchtime Malcom asked me if I'd like to go to a reading with him.

  "Um. Don't know."

  "Amelia Turner. Shortlisted for the Booker Prize last year."

  I wanted very much to go. But although I no longer thought Malcolm quite so weird, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go out in his company.


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