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Lesson 5 Let's go to McDonald's 教案

  • 小学英语陕旅版第十册 Lesson 5 Let's go to McDonald's 教案

  • 陕旅版五下Lesson 5 《Let's go to McDonald's》教学设计

    教学目标(Teaching aims):1.能够听懂、会说、能表演本课对话。2.能够熟练掌握句型What can I do for you ?What else?Is that all?How much ?3.能够在模拟情景中表演对话。教学重、难点(Key...
  • Lesson 5 Let's go to McDonald's教案

    第一课时陕西省丹凤县西街小学 周丹红教材分析(Teaching material analysis):本课是陕西旅游出版社小学英语第六册第五课的内容。它围绕一位女侍者(waitress)与一对母子顾客(mum and boy)在&ld...
  • 陕旅版:Lesson 5 Let's go to McDonald's教案(二)

    教学目标:1.能听、读、说,并了解其含义。2.能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的主要场合。What can I do for you ? What would you like?I’d like……3.能模仿课文对话,并能在...
  • 陕旅版:Lesson 5 Let's go to McDonald's教案(一)

    教学目标1、 知识、技能目标:a:会说新单词apartment building, hotel,park,street,stop, wait, traffic light ,excuse , office, just , stair , show follow , help , lost ,map , turn , down ...
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