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《Look!》 教案

  • 小学英语冀教版(一起)第四册 《Look!》 教案

  • 冀教版英语五年级下:Lesson1 Look!(2)

    一、教学目标:知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词;能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能运用...
  • 冀教版英语五年级下:Lesson1 Look!(1)

    教学目标:知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词;能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能...
  • 冀教版英语 Lesson 1 Look! 教案

    教学目标:1. 知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词;2. 能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能运用所学的英语词汇...
  • 冀教版五下:Lesson 1 Look! 教案(三)

    教学目标:1. 知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词;2. 能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能...
  • 冀教版五下:Lesson 1 Look! 教案(四)

    学习目标:学习LOOK在情景中的用法学习重点:LOOK 与SEE的比较学习难点 :LOOK 与SEE 的实例学习学习工具:卡片和录音机课时:一课时学生活动教师活动一是学生小点声的跟着教师读课文,熟悉课文中的...
  • 冀教版五下:Lesson 1 Look! 教案(二)

  • 冀教版五下:Lesson 1 Look! 教案(一)

    教学目标:1. 知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词;2. 能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see _________...
  • Unit 1 Look! 教学设计

    Unit 1 Look!Language skills:Listening:Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stressLocate specific information in response to simple questionsSpeaking:Open an interac...
  • 小学四年级英语 Look! I have a 教案

    Teaching aims:1、Can understand 、say 、read 7 words:cat、duck、panda、monkey、rabbit、dog、zoo.2、Learn the sentence:Look! I have a . Ss can catch the mean, speak the sent...
  • 小学四年级英语 Look! I have a ... 教案

    Teaching aims:1、Can understand 、say 、read 7 words:cat、duck、panda、monkey、rabbit、dog、zoo.2、Learn the sentence:Look! I have a . Ss can catch the mean, speak the sentence and ...
  • Look! I have a ... 教案

    Teaching aims:1、Can understand 、say 、read 7 words:cat、duck、panda、monkey、rabbit、dog、zoo.2、Learn the sentence:Look! I have a . Ss can catch the mean, speak the sentence...
  • 小学英语 Look! I have a ... 教案

    Teaching aims:1、Can understand 、say 、read 7 words:cat、duck、panda、monkey、rabbit、dog、zoo.2、Learn the sentence:Look! I have a . Ss can catch the mean, speak ...
  • 小学一年级英语 Look! I have a ... 教案

    Teaching aims:1、Can understand 、say 、read 7 words:cat、duck、panda、monkey、rabbit、dog、zoo.2、Learn the sentence:Look! I have a . Ss can catch the mean, speak the sent...
  • 上海牛津版四年级英语下册Unit 1 Look!教案

    Unit 1 Look!Language skills:Listening:Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stressLocate specific information in response to simple questionsSpeaking:Open an interact...
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