冀教版英语五上《Where is it?》片断赏析

2016-08-15  | 白板 电子白板 电子 


  Step1. Warming up.

  1. T takes out some school things: What’s this? (e.g. ball, box, pencilcase)

  Ss: It’s a …

  T:Wonderful! Here’s a song for you. Let’s sing!

  (使用电子白板“媒体播放”,插入歌曲Here’s a rubber,复习文具单词)

  2. A time game.

  T: Let’s play a game. We have 2 minutes. What’s this?

  Ss: It’s a …

  (ball, book, pencil, TV, school bag, rubber, pen, computer, fan, apple, chair, desk)

  T: I can draw. Can you draw?

  (计时游戏:在2分钟内,学生观察屏幕上的学习用具和玩具,说出 It’s a computer/bag/rubber/ball/pencil..., 利用电子白板“时钟”制 造游戏紧张气氛,让学生集中精神,全情投入。引导学生使用“屏 幕批注”, 边观察,边说It’s a ..., 边在屏幕上用硬笔或荧光笔圈出 所见物体。形成与白板互动。)


  Step: II. Presentation

  1. Watch the video: Tom and Jerry.

  T: Your English is very good. Look, I have a present for you.

  (使用电子白板“媒体播放”,插入“猫和老鼠”片断。在电子白板上演 示:Tom 和 Jerry在客厅里追逐。调皮的Jerry在客厅里上窜下跳, 从而导入It’s on the desk/ under the desk/ in the box.)

  T tells the story Tom and Jerry.

  T:Who can try?

  T puts Jerry on the desk and says, “It’s on the desk.” All these are operated on the whiter board.

  2. Ss learn the sentences structure in the same way:

  T: Iook at Jerry. It’s under the desk. S1 S2… try.

  3. T: Jerry is naughty. Look, it’s in the box. Who can try?

  T invites S to put Jerry in the box and express:It’s in the box.)

  S1 S2… try.

  T takes out a pencil case and some school things and let

  SS speak out It’s on/ in/ under the… 、

  (利用电子白板“图库”插入Tom 和 Jerry。“拖曳功能”让可爱的角色在 电子白板上调皮生动。教师使用“屏幕批注”,进行屏幕板书。活泼可爱的孩子跃跃欲试,纷纷上前拖动机灵的Jerry, 并且说出It’s on the desk/under the desk/ in the box.)


  Step III.Practise

  1. Game: Naughty Jerry

  T: Look, where’s Jerry?

  SS: It’s …

  T: You’re Miss Chen now.

  (游戏巩固环节:Naughty Jerry. 孩子们扮演Jerry,在白板上拖动Jerry,其他学生跟随方位变化自由表达It’s on the desk/ under the desk/ in the box.形成生生白板互动。)

  2. Game: Tidy up your school things. Do and say. Look and say.

  3. Game: Put the things in the pencil case. SS: … is in the pencil case.

  4. e: Connect the picture and the words.

  T: Look , where’s Jerry? T: I can draw. Can you draw?


  5. Game: What’s the difference in the two pictures?

  T: Tom 和Jerry把房间弄乱呢,你们能看得出有什么不一样吗?

  (教师使用“聚光灯”帮助孩子观察图中书包关键位置,引导学生寻宝方法。孩子们自主操作,在游戏竞赛中争相使用“聚光灯”寻宝,在实际操作中使用应用It’s on /under / in the...句型。)

  6. Game:All the things are in mass. Can you put them in order?

  T:请帮助Tom和 Jerry把物品放回原位。

  T:What’s this?(启动聚光圈)

  SS:It’s a... It’s in/on/under the...

  T: Be careful! All the things will go away! 1,2,3!

  (电子白板上呈现房间的场景,孩子们利用“聚光灯”观察和记忆物品摆放位置。 收拾房间时间开始了!教师从图库调入物品图片,孩子们在快乐的“拖曳”中在白板上把物品摆放整齐。孩子们再次应用应用It’s on /under / in the...句型。这是一个奇妙的过程,语言的应用得到了升华。“录制”播放帮助孩子们重温“拖曳”片断,边看边说。)


  IV. Homework

  Introduce things in your room. 请介绍你房间里的物品。

  e.g. It’s a book.

  It’s on the desk

《冀教版英语五上“Where is it?”片断赏析》摘要:e, chair, desk T: I can draw. Can you draw? 计时游戏:在2分钟内,学生观察屏幕上的学习用具和玩具,说出 It’s a computer/bag/rubber/ball/pencil..., 利用电子白板时钟制 造游戏紧张气氛,让学生集中精神...
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