陕旅版六上《Follow me, please》教学设计

2016-08-19  | 专有 教学 专有名词 

  本课围绕问路进行,主要是Where’s …?句型。另外本课中出现了一些表示地点的专有名词,需要我们熟记掌握,为口语对话积累语言材料。


  1. 学会如何礼貌地问路和指路。Where is the Xingqing Park?

  Follow me, please.

  2.会说会读会认会拼以下单词 bookstore, hospital, zoo, cinema, take a bus.

  3.掌握向人问路和指路的礼貌用语: Excuse me, Thank you very much, It’s my pleasure.


  掌握用‘Where is …?’的句型来问路和指路,并且能够熟练拼写一些专有名词。




  一、热身(Warming up)

  教师和学生模拟对话来引出本课 所要学习的重点内容。

  1、通过Dongdong和grandpa 之间的对话来引出本课中所要学习的重点句型和重点词汇。 Dongdong在去北京博物馆的路上迷路了,他看见有一个老爷爷带着照相机赶路,就过去问路。

  D:Good morning, grandpa.

  G: Good morning.

  D: I want to go to Beijing Museum. Where is it?

  G: I’m going to o there,too. You can follow me.

  D: That’s great. Shall we take a bus?

  G: Yes. It's very far. Let’s go to the bus station now.

  D: OK. Thank you. G: You are welcome.

  2、教师利用单词卡片和教学挂图对本课的重点句型和重点词汇进行讲解,并且对课文内容进行讲解。 首先要指路问路时的礼貌用语,教师要对学生进行重点讲解。

  T:在这个单元我们要学习如何向别人问路,所以我们首先要牢记在心中的就是礼貌用语。 当我们要打扰别人向别人问路时,我们首先要说的就是Excuse me. 劳驾,打扰的 意思。(出示短语)当别人给予我们帮助以后,我们要对其表示感谢。So don’t forget „thank you’and „It’s my pleasure.’ 其次就是问路的一般表达法

  T: 当我们问路时,我们可以有好几种问法。We can say „Where’s …?’ Follow me ,please. For example, where is Xingqing Park?

  我们还可以说How can I go to Xingqing Park?

  还可以说Do you know the way to th Xingqing Park?



  S1: Where is the Bell Tower?

  S2: How can you go to the Bell Tower?

  S3: Do you know the way to the Bell Tower? S1: Where is the Great Wall?

  S2: Do you know the way to the Great Wall?

  S3: How can I go to the Great Wall? …


  T: If the place is far, we should take a bus. 教师出示单词far的图片,标注 远的。出示短语take a bus的图片,标注 乘坐公共汽车,除了这个短语,我们还可以说 catch the bus. T:If the place is not far, we can walk there. „Walk there’ means go to the place on foot. T: So when we walk, we can follow others. (出示follow的 图片,标注 跟随)


  本节课我们学习了如何向别人问路或给别人指路,首先我们应该注意的就是礼貌用语,其次就是如何问,一般我们用‘Where’s …?’这个句型。



  S1: Exuse me, could you tell me the way to the Drum Tower?

  S2: I want to go to Drum Tower, too. Follow me, please.

  S1: How can we go there?

  S2: It’s a bit far.

  S1: So we must take a bus.

  S2: Which bus should we catch?

  S1: We can take bus No. 11. And We can get off on the last stop.


  A:Let’s listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions.(播放对话部分的录音)

  B:Where are they going to go?

  A: They are going to go to Xingqing Park?

  B: Will they take a bus to go there?

  A: No,they won’t. They will walk there.

  B: So Xingqing Park is not far from there.

  3、Look, read and fill in the blanks.

  A: 这是一道情景题。 在做题的过程中我们要注意观察图片,根据上下文来确定空格中应该填的单词。

  A: Excuse me, where is Xinhua Bookstore? (出示bookstore的图片,标注书店)

  B: It’s over there. Follow me, please.

  A: Shall we take a bus?

  B: No,it isn’t far. You can walk there.

  A: Thanks a lot.

  B: It’s my pleasure.

  A: Excuse me, where’s Yucai School?

  B: It’s over there. Follow me , please.

  A: Shall we take a bus?

  B: No, It isn’t far. You can walk there.

  A: Thank you very much. B: It’s my pleasure.

  4、Imagine and say.

  A: 这道题要求我们通过自己的想象力来给这个未完成的故事编一个结局。同学们可以发挥自己的想象力。

  M: Be careful.

  G: Don’t worry, Mum. I’ll be back.

  G: Excuse me, where’s Rainbow Village?

  W: Follow me, please.

  G: Thank you. W: My pleasure.

  G: Is it far? W: No, it isn’t. ( On the way to Rainbow Village, the wolf wants to eat the girl.)

  G: Help! Help! (Then comes a hunter. He shoots at the wolf and kill him. The hunter and the girl go the Rainbow Village together.

《陕旅版六上“Follow me, please”教学设计》摘要:地点的专有名词,需要我们熟记掌握,为口语对话积累语言材料。 教学目标: 1. 学会如何礼貌地问路和指路。Where is the Xingqing Park? Follow me, please. 2.会说会读会认会拼以下单词 bookstore, hospital, zoo, ...
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