冀教版 Lesson14:Months of the Year 教学设计

2011-04-07  | 领读 教学 设计 


  1. They practise and can recognize these words:  January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December . sunny , snowy , rainy , windy , cloudy .

  2. They can understand and respond orally to these phrases and sentences: How`s t he weather ? The weather is cold and snowy . It`s warm and rainy . It`s hot and sunny .The weather is windy and cloudy .


  (一) 过程设计:

  1. Greeting :

  2. Review: Chant (Three little teddy bears jumping on the bed) (学生三人一组拍手说)

  2. New Concepts :

  T: Today we `ll learn Lesson 14: Month of t he year   (多媒体出示幻灯片,课题)  Now look at , There is a calender in my hand. What does the “calender” mean?


  T:Yes , There are twelve months in a year. They are January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , December.(

  教师边说边点出上述十二个月份的单词) 讲解读音后领读,学生跟读。待学生会说后问学生What`s your favourite month?让学说回答My favourite month is ….教师又问:Why?学生用汉语回答。

  教师接着说Me too.(多媒体出示四季景色,介绍说:This is the spring /summer/autumn/winter. season, There are four seasons in a year . December ,January and February make the winter season. March , April and May make the spring season . June July and August make the summer season . September Octomber and November make the autumn season .

  (让学生知道哪几个月份组成的四个季节)教师指春天、夏天、秋天、冬天的图问How `s the weather?学生回答:温暖、有阳光,热、有太阳,多风、多云,冷、多雪。

  师说:Yes ,The weather is warm and rainy.依次问How`s the weather? The weather is hot and sunny. The weather is windy and cloudy. It`s cold and sonwy.

  领学生说单词,学生会说后,让学说拿自己的小卡片以小组为单位进行问答练习。  教师将四季图片贴在黑板上,找每个小组的同学对话练习(让学生根据图片意图自己编对话,说多说少说对说错都给予鼓励)  放录音,让学生说十二个月份的名称。  3Class Closing:  Take out your 《Activity book》,给学生解释题目,让学生做练习。ht/left  让学生用这两个短语连起来造句。  6、 学生对话表演。

  四、拓展练习  编对话:让学生分组练习,两名学生扮演迷路的外国游客,向其他学生求助,可以用以前学过的单词或短语。



  六、 作业

  1、 熟读课文,有条件的学生可要求背诵。

  2、 自制一幅路线图,然后介绍到图上某一地点所走的路线。

《冀教版 Lesson14:Months of the Year 教学设计》摘要:s: How`s t he weather ? The weather is cold and snowy . It`s warm and rainy . It`s hot and sunny .The weather is windy and cloudy . 教学过程: 一 过程设计: 1. Greeting : 2. Review: Chant (Three litt...
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