陕旅版英语五上《Join the football club》教学设计

2016-08-19  | 教学 设计 英语 


  1、Knowledge Objectives:

  Key vocabulary:goal a form a football club save a shot kick a goal Target language: What can you do? I can keep a goal.

  2、Competence Objectives:

  Be able to read, understand and recite the dialogue.Train students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.Train students' communicative competence.

  3、Emotion Objectives:

  Tare part in all kinds of activities.

  4、Learing Strategy Objectives:

  Be able to discover and find the rules of learing words or sentences.And be able to use the knowledge boldly and actively.


  The words on page 52and the dialogue on page 5


  The new words and the target language.


  Be able to read, understand and recite the dialogue.


  Pictures. Word cards.A tape recorder.A projector.


  Step1 热身( Warming up)

  1、Greet the class.

  2、Have students sing the chant in lesson 10 together.

  Step 2 新课展示(New Presentation)

  Learn the new words and sentences.

  1、May I join the football club? 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词 : club football club basketball club ping-pong club

  2、What can you do? I can kick a goal well. kick a goal(出示射门图 ) kick踢。goal球门。

  出示词卡,拼读拼写单词 : kick a goal Who can kick a goal? 请一两个同学表演射门的动作,全班同学拍着手说: Goal, goal, goal, kick a goal 。 3)I can not keep goal(示守门图)。 I’m not good at saving a shot(示救球图) .

  出示词卡,拼读拼写单词 :keep a goal 。

  出示词卡,拼读拼写单词 :save a shot save救 shot在这儿作名词,射门。

  4、May I have a form?出示一表格和词卡,拼读拼写单词 : form

  5、What must I write?

  Your must write down your name,address(示表格上地址栏) ,your telephone number(示表格上电话栏)and your birthday,etc.

  6、Play the tape, have students listen and repeat the new words.

  7、Have students read the new words for several times.

  Step 3.听录音学习对话( Learn the dialogue)

  1、Have students listen to the dialogue, and then answer the questions.

  Mr Zhang: Can I help you?

  Wang Nan: Yes. I want to join the football club.

  Mr Zhang: What can you do?

  Wang Nan: I'm good at keeping goal. I can run fast and jump high.

  Mr Zhang: OK. Please write down your name and your home telephone number in this form.

  Wang Nan: All right.

  (1)Where is Wang Nan? (He is in the football club.)

  (2)What does he want to do? (He wants to join the football club.)

  (3)What is he good at? (Keeping goal.)

  (4) What can he do? (He can run fast and jump high.)

  2、Learn the phrase.

  be good at sth./doing sth. do sth.

  well Yao Ming is good at basketball.

  Li Yuchun is good at singing.

  I'm good at dancing.

  What are you good at? I'm good at drawing.

  3、Play the tape again.Have students listen and repeat.

  4、Have students practise the dialogue in pairs.

  As students practice, walk around the room helping with pronunciation as need.

  5、Ask several pairs of students to perform the dialogue for the class.

  Give little presents to the students who do well.

  Step 4 Summary

  Step 5 Homework:

  1、Copy the new words for five times.

  2、Listen and repeat the dialogue on page 51.


  Lesson 11 Join the football club

  a goal a form kick a goal save a shot a football club

  A:What can you do?

  B: I can keep a goal。

《陕旅版英语五上“Join the football club”教学设计》摘要: of learing words or sentences.And be able to use the knowledge boldly and actively. 教学内容: The words on page 52and the dialogue on page 5 教学重点: The new words and the target language. 教学难...
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