外研社一起五年级上《Amy's blue dress is wet》教学设计

2016-08-30  | 教学 外研社 设计 



  1. 能听懂、会说单词skirt,laugh, wet, shoes, dirty.

  2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型 Amy’s blue dress is wet. Mengmeng`s car is new.

  3. 通过阅读和练习使学生能使用形容词简单谈论物品。


  1. 教会学生在听力和阅读的过程中快速获取关键信息。

  2. 引导学生整体把握课文,理解课文细节信息并尝试运用自己的方式表达.



  1. 培养学生积极用英语表达的情感态度。

  2. 引导学生树立正确的人生价值观,同学之间应该互相团结友爱,不应该吵架。


  1. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型 Amy’s blue dress is wet. Mengmeng`s car is new.


  3. 对高年级学生英语学习方法的指导。


  Step One: Lead-in

  Game – guess it 出示课文中人物的衣服的一部分,让学生来猜测

  T: I have three pictures,can you guess whose clothes are they?

  S:It’s Amy’s. It’s Lingling`s. It’s Sam’s.

  T: Maybe, it is. I don’t know.

  T: We had better listen to the CD and make sure about it.


  Step Two: Presentation

  1. Listen to CD just once.

  T:Yes ,you did a good job just. But now what’s wrong with their clothes?


  2. Read the text quickly with 3questions and talk about them in groups.

  Students turn books to P20 and read quickly.


  3.Learn important words.


  4.Listen and read the text.(听课文内容,尝试跟读,模仿文中语音语调)

  The students listen to the text and try to follow, imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

  T: Please put out your fingers and point to the sentence you are listening.


  5. TPR 表演出这篇文章

  Show the actions making by the teacher, and the students copy them.


  Step Three: Consolidation

  1. Students show the text in groups.(小组内选择自己喜欢的方式展示课文)

  The students read the text in groups and help each other retell the text.

  The teacher helps the students to read better.


  2. Do a passage in groups. (呈现一篇类似的文章,总结课文。选择一个小组来整理答案。)

  T:It is raining in the forest, what happen to our animal friends? Let’s go and have a look.


  Step Four: Expansion

  1. Practice the dialogue.

  ① T:Today I take a secret friend。 Do you want to know what is it? Read it quickly and find out what is it.

  S: It’s a car.

  T: Whose car is it?

  S: It’s Mengmeng`s car.

  T: Yes, its` his car.

  S: Mengmeng`s car is new.


  ②T: Whose bag is it ? S: It’s …


  ③ Group work


  2. Emotion(主题升华)

  Chant the poem and read the Proverb. Tell the students they should kindly and friendly with each other. 〔设计说明〕:通过诗歌的说唱和对谚语的认识,对学生进行情感教育,教育学生应该团结互助,不应该吵架。

  3. Do the exercise in groups. ① Read and complete. ② Write and complete use hers, mine, his, yours.

  〔设计说明〕: 独立自主完成课堂达标,小组讨论。检验学生对本节课的掌握程度,给学生一个肯定,同时也鼓励学生再接再厉,不断的努力。

  Step Five: Homework

  1. Use your imagination to write a small essay.


  It's Children's Day. Students are wearing beautiful clothes. Snow White's dress is red and cute…

  2. 附件:每位学生发手册一本,包括评价表,阅读和练习材料,并对自己每一关的表现进行评价。


  Amy's blue dress is wet。

  Whose car is it?

  It’s Mengmeng`s car.

  Yes, its` his car.

  Mengmeng`s car is new.

《外研社一起五年级上“Amy's blue dress is wet”教学设计》摘要:ress is wet. Mengmeng`s car is new. 3. 通过阅读和练习使学生能使用形容词简单谈论物品。 学习策略 1. 教会学生在听力和阅读的过程中快速获取关键信息。 2. 引导学生整体把握课文,理解课文细节信息并尝试运用自己...
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