
2008-10-15 作者:嫩水若蓝 |  

  Open the activity books and look at the pictures.

  The teacher asks the students to describe the pictures in Chinese.

  Close the books and listen to the tape.

  Listen and circle.

  The teacher corrects it.

  (四)Summing up:

  We’ve learned a very sweet new song and done some interesting exercises.


  Sing the new song to your parents and listen to the tape twice.

  九、Boardwords design:

  Module 2 unit3

  Please stand up.

  Please sit down.

  Point to the door/desk/chair…

  十、Summing after the class:

  Period 4

  Teaching aims:

  1.Play the game on the SB and act them out.

  2.Finish the exercises on the AB.

  Teaching course:

  (一) Organization:

  1.Sing an English song:please stand up.

  2.do the actions to review the words.


  Free talks:have two or three groups of class have a free talk to review the old dialogues.

  Review the whole dialogue and check the reading up in them.

  (三)New lessons:

  Activity 1:Game:Play and say.:

  Open the students’ books and the teacher points to one student and say,then points another.

  The teacher explains the game.

  SA:point to the chair.

  SB:Do the actions that pointing to the chair.

  Then order another one.

  Then have them work in groups of four.

  Play the game:have a match to watch which one is the fastest.

  Activity 2:listen and match:

  The teacher asks the students to describe the pictures.

  The teacher asks the students what they think they have to do.

  Listen to the tape and do.

  If it is too difficult to get the students to identify the characters initially,the teacher should point and say the names and the students can repeat them.

2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Let's eat》第三课时
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Recycle 2》第二课时
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Recycle 2》第一课时
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Happy Birthday》第五
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Happy Birthday》第四
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Happy Birthday》第三
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Happy Birthday》第二
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Happy Birthday》第一
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Let's eat》第五课时
2016人教(PEP)英语三上《Let's eat》第四课时


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