¼½½Ì°æÁùÏ¡¶Eat your vegetables!¡·½Ì°¸

2016-06-20  | vegetables ÁùÏ ¾äÐÍ 


¡¡¡¡1¡¢ÄÜÌý¡¢Ëµ¡¢¶ÁºÍд´Ê»ã£ºvegetables cabbage, fruit, month

¡¡¡¡2¡¢Ç¡µ±µÄʹÓÃHow often…£¿¾äÐÍÃèÊö×Ô¼ºÈÕ³£µÄÒûʳ״¿ö¡£




¡¡¡¡´Ê»ã£ºvegetables cabbage, fruit, month

¡¡¡¡Ê¹ÓÃHow often…£¿¾äÐÍÃèÊö×Ô¼ºÈÕ³£µÄÒûʳ״¿ö¡£


¡¡¡¡Ê¹ÓÃHow often…£¿¾äÐÍÃèÊö×Ô¼ºÈÕ³£µÄÒûʳ״¿ö¡£


¡¡¡¡Step1: Greeting

¡¡¡¡T: Hello, everyone. How are you?

¡¡¡¡S: Fine, thank you. And you ?

¡¡¡¡T: I am fine,too.

¡¡¡¡Step 2. New concepts

¡¡¡¡1. T: Now, please look at these pictures

¡¡¡¡What are they?£¨³öʾÊ߲˵ĻõÆƬ£©


¡¡¡¡T: Yes, You are right.

¡¡¡¡T: Vegetables are good for us . let’s watch a movie and answer my question.£¨³öʾÆäËüÊß²ËͼƬ£©

¡¡¡¡2. T: Do you know what they are?

¡¡¡¡S: peas

¡¡¡¡T: Ok . You are right . Who knows which kind of vegetables can make you cry ?

¡¡¡¡S: Onions.

¡¡¡¡T: Ok .let’s look at this picture. What is this?

¡¡¡¡S: This is cabbage.

¡¡¡¡T: What colour is it ?

¡¡¡¡S: green

¡¡¡¡T: what else do you see?

¡¡¡¡S: tomato¡¢potato¡¢carrot¡¢bean

¡¡¡¡3. Student book

¡¡¡¡Let’s see Danny about eat vegetables. this is a chart for Danny .listen to the tape and fill the chart.

¡¡¡¡How often does Danny day\week\month\year

¡¡¡¡Eat donuts

¡¡¡¡Eat cabbage

¡¡¡¡Eat peas

¡¡¡¡Eat onions

¡¡¡¡Step3: practice

¡¡¡¡1.the following questions.


¡¡¡¡How often do you\day\week\month\year

¡¡¡¡play sports

¡¡¡¡Brush your teeth

¡¡¡¡take a shower

¡¡¡¡Wash your face

¡¡¡¡comb your hair

¡¡¡¡2. ¿´¿´ÀîÃ÷µÄÒûʳϰ¹ßÊÇ·ñ½¡¿µ

¡¡¡¡Ï±íÊÇLi MingÒ»ÖÜÖгÔÊß²Ë×´¿öµÄµ÷²é±í£¬¸ù¾Ý´Ë±íÌî¿Õ¡£

¡¡¡¡A. Li Ming’s favourite vegetable is _ ________.

¡¡¡¡B. What vegetable does Li Ming eat nine times a week? _________.

¡¡¡¡C. Li Ming needs to eat more _________.

¡¡¡¡Step4 Summing up £¨Ð¡½á£©





¡¡¡¡Lesson9£ºEat your vegetables!

¡¡¡¡How often do you eat …£¿

¡¡¡¡Once/Twice/Three times a ...

¡¶¼½½Ì°æÁùÏ¡°Eat your vegetables!¡±½Ì°¸¡·ÕªÒª£ºles T: Yes, You are right. T: Vegetables are good for us . let’s watch a movie and answer my question.³öʾÆäËüÊß²ËͼƬ 2. T: Do you know what they are? S: peas T: Ok . You are right . Who knows...
Ïà¹ØÎÄÕ£º ¡ó Ó׶ùÔ°Öаà½Ì°¸°¸Àý[Ó¢Óï] Êß²ËVegetables ¡ó Êß²ËVegetables
¡ó Vegetables ¡ó Ó׶ùÓ¢Óï½Ì°¸£ºEat and drink
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÁù¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÎå¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÈý¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚ¶þ¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Who is younger?¡·µÚÒ»¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚÁù¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚÎå¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚËÄ¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚÈý¿Îʱ½Ì°¸
ËÕ½ÌÅ£½ò°æÁùÏ¡¶Asking the way¡·µÚ¶þ¿Îʱ½Ì°¸


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