外研社(一起)六年级上《Do you want to visit the UN building?》教学设计

2016-08-30  | 联合国 教学 外研社 


  本单元是英语(新标准)(一年级起始第十一册)Module 9 的第一单元。本模块的话题是谈论一处景点。Unit1的教学内容是通过学习Daming和Simon谈论有关联合国大楼的相关信息,帮助学生了解联合国大楼及联合国的文化,学习并掌握描述一处景点的基本结构,从而能够运用已有知识谈论自己喜欢的一处景点。


  六年级学生已经有了多年的英语学习基础,在听、说、读、写各个方面都有了一定的能力。学生已经初步掌握了一般现在时,掌握了Do you ...?句式,并能运用这一句式进行问答。本课主要是在学生已有的基础上进一步落实、巩固Do you want to ...? 这一句式的问答。课堂上要创设语境,设计一些任务型的活动提高他们的学习兴趣,同时培养学生的语言运用能力。



  能正确听、说、读、写单词peace world 。

  能正确听、说、读目标语句:Do you want to visit the UN building? Yes, please. / No, I don’t. The UN wants to make peace in the world.

  能正确书写目标语句:Do you want to visit the UN building?


  能够运用本课的目标语句Do you want to visit…? 询问某人想去某地并作做简单描述。








  能运用Do you want to ...? 句式进行问答,并能在实际情景中运用。


  会用一般现在时表述某人想作某事,知道want to后面要接动词原形。






  一、Warm up and lead in (热身活动)

  a. Greeting.

  T: Hello, boys and girls. This is the first time to meet you. Do you want to know me?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: I’m Laughing. I’m from Dalian. Yesterday, I came to Xi’an. I visited a beautiful place, do you want to know?

  T: Where? (背景播放西安交大附小学校的相关图片)

  Ss: Our school.

  T: It’s so beautiful. Yes?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: So, today I’m new here. I’ll be your new English teacher. Do you want to learn English with me?

  Ss: Yes

  T: Do you want to have a jigsaw puzzle match in my class?

  Ss: Yes

  T: Today, I’ll divide you into two Teams. This is Team U, this is Team N,we will have a jigsaw puzzle. If one of the students in your team can do a good job, you’ll get a part of card. Do you want to know what it is?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Ok, children, Come on! Are you ready?

  Ss: Go!

  T: I also know there are lots of beautiful places in Xi’an, I want to visit Xi’an after class. Do you want to be a tourist guide for me?

  Ss: Yes.

  【设计意图:通过学生们熟悉的生活环境,拉近与学生间的距离,增加亲切感,营造轻松的氛围,同时通过对话渗透本课的目标语句“Do you want to…?”,为新授铺垫。】

  b. Leading

  T: Now, let’s go inside our English world together. let’s learn Module 9 Unit 1 (板书)。


  二、Task Presentation (介绍新语言项目)

  T: After learning, I hope you can recommend some famous places in Xi’an for me and talk about your favourite place in the world.


  三、Text Learning

  A: Listen and answer.

  T:In module 9, Daming and Simon want to visit a famous place. Where do they want to visit? Let’s listen and find the answer.

  Q1: Where do Daming and Sam want to visit? (the UN building ) 课件呈现问题和答案。

  A. The UN building B. China C. Many countries (给评价)

  a. 课件出示UN building 图片,解释UN的意思。


  b.谈论UN building的外形。

  T: Look, how about the UN building?

  Ss: It’s big, tall, beautiful.

  T: Do you want to visit the UN building?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Yes, please.

  Ss: Do you want to visit the UN building? Yes, please.(2-3)(板书并给出给评价)

  T: Do you want to know more about the UN building?


  B. Read and answer. 默课文回答问题。


  T: Now, let’s read the dialogue silently and then find the answer.

  Q2:What is the UN building? It’s a very important building in New York.(给评价)

  Q3:What does the UN want to do? The UN wants to make peace in world.(给评价)


  a. 讲单词 peace 发音,看图理解意思(peace makes happiness, peace makes people together. Peace is our aim.)

  T:Is there a place named with “Peace” in Xi’an?

  Ss: …

  b. 讲单词world。区别word 和world。

  T: Can you spell the word of the world?

  Ss: w-o-r-l-d

  T: Can you read the sentences with the word of the world and peace?

  Ss: The peace makes happiness in the world. The world needs peace.(给评价)

  T: What does the UN want to do?

  Ss: The UN wants to make peace in the world.

  T: There are many countries in the UN. What do the countries want to do?

  Ss: They want to make peace in the world.

  T: Good. By now there are 193 countries in the UN, is China in the UN?


  c.学习难点:one of…


  Russia is one of the first countries in the UN.

  How about OTHERS?


  T: Dalian is one of the beautiful cities in…

  Ss: Xi’an is one of the big cities in…

  T: How about your School?

  Ss: Our school is one of the best schools in Xi’an.(给评价)

  T:Now boys and girls, do you want to go inside the UN building?

  Ss:Yes, please.

  T: Ok, let’s go and get more information about the UN building.



  Haven’t you got buildings like this in China? Yes, we have.

  T: Now, boys and girls, after learning do you want to visit the UN building? Do you want to introduce the UN building? Please open your books and read.

  四、Practice (练习)

  A. Listen and imitate.

  B. Feeding back

  a. Read one by one. (给评价)

  b. Role Play. (给评价)


  C. Retell the UN building.(课件出示UN building 图片和提示词)

  D. Guessing game

  T: Do you want to visit The UN building? Do you want to know where I want to visit? Let’s play a guessing game.



  【设计意图:适当的练习可以激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,在这个环节中,学生们在听音跟读之后,设计让学生根据提示词复述课文、开展运用目标语句“Do you want to…?”进行猜地点竞赛活动。让学生们根据对课文的理解和掌握,完成梯度不等的练习。这有利于学生整体地的理解课文,提高学生的听、说、读、写以及对课文的理解能力。】

  五、Production (任务完成) (8’)

  A. Tourist Guide.

  T:Now, I’m a Tourist Guide of Dalian.



  六、Summary and Homework (小结与作业)(2’)

  A. Summary

  T: What did we learn this class?

  B. Homework.

  Listen to the tape and read the dialogue fluently.

  Practise 2 words and 2 sentences.

  Tell your parents and friends about the UN building.


  Module9 Unit 1

  Do you want to visit the UN building?

  Yes, please.

  The UN wants to make peace in the world.

《外研社(一起)六年级上“Do you want to visit the UN building?”教学设计》摘要:语言运用能力。 教学目标: a.语言知识目标 能正确听、说、读、写单词peace world 。 能正确听、说、读目标语句:Do you want to visit the UN building? Yes, please. / No, I don’t. The UN wants to make...
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