5B Module 3 Unit 1 Colours around us 教学设计

2011-04-19  | 教学 认读 拼读 


  本课是5B Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 Colours around us中的第三教时,重点语法知识是一般过去时,这是一篇有趣的有关动物的变化生长过程,在课堂内能正确认读单词tadpole,能掌握句型It was鈥 Now it is鈥陀谜庑┚湫投远锏难荼涔探忻枋觥

  一 词汇教学与音标教学相结合

  语音教学是英语中的难点部分,五年级的学生已经积累了一定的音标知识,学生能进行单个音标的认读,但对于整体单词的拼读还不够熟练,词汇与音标教学相结合,以音标引出旧单词的复习和新单词的教学,以此来培养学生运用音标拼读单词的能力,在课堂中提高音标的复现率,勤反复,多操练。本课的新授词汇只有一个tadpole,但是其他几个旧单词如:caterpillar, duckling, cocoon都可以通过看音标拼单词来唤起学生对旧单词的记忆。阅读部分的新单词则可以罗列出新单词,给学生音标自己拼读,培养学生学习新单词的能力。

  二 阅读和写作训练相结合

  本课中的句型比较简单,为了增加学生的知识量,在扫清了课堂内的重点单词和重点句型后,我增加了有关sea horse的演变过程的阅读材料,在这篇阅读材料中我以课文中的It was鈥ow it is鈥Φ木湫臀鳎黾恿薟hen it was鈥. it was鈥φ庖桓龈春暇洌亩梁笱男醋髯鲎急浮T亩磷魑庖豢蔚耐卣购脱由欤腋才帕肆礁鋈挝瘢1.阅读后完成填空练习。以此检查学生的对这篇文章的理解和掌握程度。2.模仿阅读材料进行写作练习。阅读是为学生提供写作的材料,让学生在模仿、引用、再创造的过程中提高写作的能力,让学生在完成任务的同时引发学习的兴趣,让学生在完成任务中进行学习,提升能力。

  三 创设情景,课堂教学中注重学生口语的训练

  作为五年级的学生,应该具备一定的词汇量,能用简单句进行英语的表达,在课堂教学中培养学生的口语能力,教师就要充分挖掘教材中的内容,让班级中的学生动起来,说起来。英语做为一门语言类的学科,说是非常重要的一部分。利用图片让学生进行看图说话的训练,如准备复习阶段的青蛙的图片让学生通过自己的观察进行图片的描述,这是对学生所学知识的综合表达的复习,在这个环节学生可以用自己的已有知识畅所欲言。在图片的对比描述过程中则要求学生用所学的The鈥 was鈥 Now it is鈥 The鈥 were鈥 Now they are鈥杏镅缘难盗凡⒋胄率诳蔚慕萄А

  School: Yuxiu Experimental School

  Teacher: Wu Fang (吴芳)

  Topic: Changes

  Class: Class 4, Grade 5

  Teaching Aims:

  ( 1 ) To learn the sentence patern 鈥業t was鈥 Now it is 鈥︹.

  ( 2 )To let students know the changes of the animals through reading.

  Key points: Compare the changes of the animals now and the past.

  To grasp how to use the past tense.

  Difficult points: Describe the present and the past.

  Teaching content:

  ( 1 ) Sentence Patern: It was鈥 Now it is 鈥

  ( 2 ) Reading materials about the animals

  Teaching Aids: Multi-media, some cards of words and phrases and reading materials.






  1. Pre-task

  1.Daily talk

  2.Review the sentences:

  The 鈥as鈥

  Now it is 鈥

  The鈥 were鈥

  Now they are鈥

  1. Ask and answer the questions.

  2. Have each student describe the picture .

  3. Call on some students to talk about the picture.

  4. Have students compare two pictures, then talk about the difference.

  To stimulate the Sts鈥 interests and elicit the theme.

  2. While-task

  It was鈥

  Now it is鈥.

  New word:


  1.Show the pictures about the change of the duck.

  2.Practice the new sentences according to the pictures.

  3.Show the pictures about the change of the frog.

  4.Teach the new words: tadpole

  5.Have students look at the four pictures of the butterfly鈥漵 life-cycle.

  6.Put the pictures in the correct order.

  7.Have the students talk about the change of the butterfly.

  8.Have students read P39 aloud by the recorder.

  Compare the changes of the duck、the frog and the butterfly now and the past.

  To grasp how to use the past tense.

  3. Post-task

  Provide a reading material of the sea horse.


  1.Have students read the story silently.

  2.Ask students if they have any questions.

  3.Check understanding of vocabulary



  4.Fill in the blanks according to the reading material.

  5.Tell each student to choose an animal and write the composition.

  6.Have students share their written work with other students.

  To consolidate the past tense and know more about the change of another animal.

  To encourage Sts to express their own emotion.

  4. Assignment

  1.Copy the new words and sentence.

  2.Tell the story about the change of the animal.

  Browse the information through the internet. Using the new sentence pattern they鈥檝e learnt today to write a new story..

  Provide Sts more chance to communicate in English.

《5B Module 3 Unit 1 Colours around us 教学设计》摘要:标知识,学生能进行单个音标的认读,但对于整体单词的拼读还不够熟练,词汇与音标教学相结合,以音标引出旧单词的复习和新单词的教学,以此来培养学生运用音标拼读单词的能力,在课堂中提高音标的复现率,勤反复,多...
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