外研社一起M8 U1《New York is in the east.》教案

2016-01-21  | 外研社 句型 east 


  本节课是一节拓展课,主要是让学生通过对四个基本方位:east north south west的学习,加上对句型。...is in the east/west of...的学习,进而学会对一个地点大致方位的描述。

  教学目标 :

  1.知识目标 能够听说Where is New York? It's in the east of America. 之类的句型。掌握east north south west 四个基本方位用英语的表达,并学会用基本句型描述现实生活中的地点。

  2 能力目标 能够运用所学句型描述现实生活中的地点。

  3 情感目标 让学生通过对祖国一些城市地点的描述,进而体会祖国的博大与辽阔,增强他们的爱国之情。


  教学重点: 四个基本方位east west north south及句型。..is in the east/west... of .... 并能根据不同的地点描述其方位。

  教学难点: 运用所学知识正确描述城市的地理位置。

  教学用具 :




  1 Look at some pictures of China. (课间的时候配着背景音乐欣赏中国部分城市的风景图片,为以下教学作铺垫)

  2 Greeting. Hello! My Chinese name is Hao Lina, and my English name is Linda. So you can call me Miss Hao, and you can also call me Linda. (教学单词call also。)

  Step 2 Lead in and Presentation.

  1. Ta: Are the pictures beautiful? They are all in our country .(教学单词country,并提示学生该单词的复数countries. 学生书空单词,教师板书课题Module 7countries)

  2. Do you like traveling ?Which city do you want to go ?( 教学单词city并提示学生该单词的复数cities.) Do you know where is it ?(引出方位的学习) east west north south (提醒学生注意字母组合发音)

  3.单词news中每个字母代表一个方位,通过谐音 鈥湵扯髂崖疴澙词侗鹚母龇轿淮省

  4. chant East,East ,in the east West,west,in the west North,north ,in the north South,south,in the south (记忆巩固方位词的发音,并为说句子做准备。)

  5. T: Where is Beijing? 引导学生It鈥檚 in the 鈥︹ (单词和chant短语学生已经基本会说,所以表述句子会比较容易一点)

  6.出示the map of China,练习方位句子的说法 在谈论到beijing的时候可以说It is the capital of China. Shanghai is a nice city.

  7. Guessing Game People speak English.The Washington D.C is the capital of the country.(教学单词 speak,前面在教学east时字母组合的发音已告诉学生,这个单词可以让学生尝试自己拼读单词) 学生回答出是Amercia.(出示美国国旗以及单词Amercia) Amercia is also called the USA.

  8. 出示美国Washington D.C New York San Francisco的部分图片,在欣赏图片的同时学习该三个地名。

  Step 3 Listen and point.

  1.出示课文问题,带着问题听录音2遍。 (听录音之前再一起看单词卡片复习本节课已经接触到的新单词)

  2. 回答刚才提出的问题,并找出不认识的新单词。教学单词there, cousin

  3. Listen and say

  Step 4 Summary

  Today, we have learnt something about America. We鈥檝e learnt three cities ,four directions and a new drill.

  Step 5 Homework

  1. Read the text

  2. Find out the names of more cities in America. North , north , in the north. South , south , in the south. East , east , in the east. West , west , in the west. west east south north Haerbin Suzhou Lasa Guangzhou west east south north Beijing star鈥斺攕tate 50 stars鈥斺50 states the United States of America = the USA the USA. It鈥檚 also called the USA. It鈥檚 called the USA ,too. 联合的州美利坚合众国 America Washington D.C. 华盛顿 is the capital of Washington D.C. America. Daming鈥檚 project(综合实践活动) It鈥檚 about It鈥檚 about . It鈥檚 the . also called America USA Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA. San Francisco Washington D.C. New York Washington D.C. New York San Francisco

  1.Where is New York?

  2.Where is Washington D.C.?

  3.Where is San Francisco? west east south north People speak English in America .聽 People speak in England. People speak in China. English Chinese Listen to the tape,complete the text. is the capital of America. It鈥檚 in the .New York is in the , too. It鈥檚 very .San Francisco is in the . It鈥檚 a nice city .

  Washington D.C. east east big west

  1.People speak in China.

  2. is the capital of China.

  3. is in the . It鈥檚 very .


  1、听读M7 U1三遍,并将所学的美国城市的知识说给家长听。


《外研社一起M8 U1“New York is in the east.”教案》摘要:一些城市地点的描述,进而体会祖国的博大与辽阔,增强他们的爱国之情。 教学重点和难点: 教学重点: 四个基本方位east west north south及句型。..is in the east/west... of .... 并能根据不同的地点描述其方位。...
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