教科版三上《What's Your Name?》片断赏析

2016-08-05  | 三上 What 赏析 

  What is your name?

  T: Good morning, class. 同学们早上好!

  Ss: Good morning, Lily.

  T: At first, let鈥檚 see a picture. 首先,让我们看一张图片。

  (use the PowerPoint to show a picture on which a boy and a girl are saying 鈥淲hat is your name? My name is Bob.鈥潱

  T: What are they saying? 他们在说什么呢?

  (write the sentence 鈥淲hat is your name? My name is Bob鈥 on the blackboard and speak it out, then use gestures to ask all Ss to imitate the pronunciation of the sentence.)

  T: OK!(put up the name card which was written with 鈥淟ily鈥潱㎝y name is Lily. (repeat it twice and emphasize the word 鈥渘ame鈥潯#

  T: (choose a student and point to her name card.) What is your name?

  S1: Linda (raise her name card to the rest of the students)

  T: Good!(give her a gesture of appreciation) My name is Linda, follow me.(write 鈥渇ollow me 跟我读鈥 on the right part of the Bb)。

  S1: My name is Linda. ...(repeat it twice)

  T: OK, boys and girls, follow me. What is your name? My name is Linda.

  Ss: What is your name? My name is Linda.

  T: What is your name? My name is Linda.

  Ss: What is your name? My name is Linda.

  T: (to Jack) What is your name?

  S2: (raise his name card) My name is Jack.

  T: Very good!(give him a gesture of appreciation)

  T: (to Tom) What is your name?

  S2: (raise his name card) My name is Tom.

  T: Excellent!(give him a gesture of appreciation) ...... (ask another two or three Ss the question and help them to give a answer.)

  T: Good job! Now, we read it together. (give a gesture of inviting) What is your name? My name is Tom.

  Ss: What is your name? My name is Tom. ......

  T: 大家知不知道这个对话是什么意思呢?Raise you hand!(give a gesture of raising hand)

  T: Alice!

  S3: 这个对话的意思是鈥溎愕拿质鞘裁矗业拿质潜潯

  T: Very good. Now, I need 10 Ss to play a game. Please come to the platform. The first student ask the second student 鈥淲hat is your name?鈥 then the second student answers with 鈥淢y name is XXX鈥潯hen this finish, the second student asks the third student this question. The rest students repeat the question and answer. Understand?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Do you have any problem? Ss: No.

  T: Good! Let鈥檚 begin. 开始吧

  S4:What is your name?

  S5:My name is Anna. (turn to S6) What is your name?

  S6:My name is Tim. (turn to S7) What is your name? ......

  T: Excellent! Now do you know how to play the game? 知道怎么玩了吗?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: OK, now, we will play this game in each line. The Ss in Line 1 ask the Line 2 the question and then, one by one. When it came to the last line, change the order. Understand? (walk front the front row to the back row to show them the order) Who can repeat my order in Chinese?

  S8: 就是说第一个同学问第二个同学,第二个同学问第三个同学,以此类推到最后一位同学,然后再从最后一位同学开始,回到第一位同学那里是吗? T: 是的,非常好。 Now, let鈥檚 begin. ......

  T: (give a applaud) Have you finished?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: Next, let鈥檚 sing a song. (show the lyrics of the song 鈥淲hat is your name ?鈥 on the PowerPoint )。The name of the song is 鈥溾 What is your name?鈥 read the lyrics with me. T: Hello! Hello! My name is Min-ho. My name is Min-ho. My name is Min-ho.

  Hello! Hello! My name is Min-ho. What's your name?

  Hello! Hello! My name is Su-mi. My name is Su-mi. My name is Su-mi. Hello! Hello! My name is Su-mi. What's your name?

  Ss: ......

  T: Please listen to the music.(play the music twice by the computer) Now sing with me! 鈥淗ello! Hello!鈥

  Ss: Hello! Hello!

  T: My name is Min-ho. Ss: My name is Min-ho. ......

  T: Is it simple? 简单吧。Let鈥檚 sing it together.鈥滺ello! Hello! One two begin鈥

  Ss: Hello! Hello! My name is ......

《教科版三上“What's Your Name?”片断赏析》摘要:eak it out, then use gestures to ask all Ss to imitate the pronunciation of the sentence. T: OK!put up the name card which was written with LilyMy name is Lily. repeat it twice and emphasize the wor...
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