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what are they doing ? 教案

  • 小学英语外研社第七册 what are they doing ? 教案

  • 外研社英语四年级上册《what are they doing ?》教学反思

    本节课是学生学习现在进行时的第二课时,教学目标是让学生掌握动名词词组以及句型“What are they doing? 在这节课中我采用了情景教学,让学生自主学习与合作学习。在新授词组时,说、动作结合,让学生更...
  • 外研社四年级上册《what are they doing ?》教学反思

  • 外研社四年级上册《what are they doing ?》说课设计

    教材分析:本课是外延版小学英语教材四年级上册的第一单元。由于本单元的主要教学内容为How many…?在应用时会涉及到数字,主要学习thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、...
  • 外研社四上册《what are they doing ?》教学反思

  • 外研社四年级英语上《what are they doing ?》说课设计

  • 外研社英语四年级上《what are they doing ?》教学反思

    这一单元的单词涉及日常活动的问题,尤其是运动方面。这也是我这一节课所要重点体现的一点。我通过让学生亲身体验的方法, What are they doing ? 让学生亲身体验,并做到让学生在学习英语的过程中了解英语国家...
  • 外研社英语四上《what are they doing ?》说课设计

  • 外研社四年级上《what are they doing ?》说课设计

    Good morning,teachers. I’m very glad to have such an opportunity to share my teaching ideas with you. I’m Xunan, the topic I choosed is She had eggs and sausages. It&rs...
  • 外研社四上英语《what are they doing ?》相关资料

    Listen and say.听一听,说一说。(教材第16页)课文全译A:What are they doing? A:他们正在做什么?B:They’re playing chess. B:他们正在下国际象棋。A:What are they drinking...
  • 外研社四年级上《what are they doing ?》相关资料

    Listen,point and find“-ing”.听一听,指一指并找出“-ing”。(教材第14~15页)情景详解英语描述:Amy and Daming go to the park by bus.They see a lot of inte...
  • 外研社四年级上《what are they doing ?》教学反思

    本节课的教学内容选自三年级起点第三册 Module 4 Unit1 What are they doing? 我主要按照我多年的教学方法去大胆的设计,在教学中采用基本的“五步”法教学,同时不拘泥常规,将听、说、读...
  • 外研社四年级英语上《what are they doing ?》教学设计

    教材分析:本课属于新授课教学,主要是让学生练习用What are they doing?语言表达自己的能力,除了学习一些新单词之外还学习了get on` look at row 等动词短语,同时通过听 ,读 ,动作表演比赛...
  • 外研社英语四上《what are they doing ?》教学设计

    教学目标:1.知识与技能理解并灵活运用下列句型 : What is __ doing? -- He/She is __ing …What are you doing? -- I’m __ing …What are they doing? – They’re __...
  • 外研社四年级上册《what are they doing ?》教学设计

    教学目标:1、能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构What are / is ___ doing?___ am/are/is ___ing __.2、学会正确的使用转盘;3、学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人教学重点:1、...
  • 外研社四上英语《what are they doing ?》教学设计

    教学目标:1.学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构:What are you doing?They are ____ing?2 .学生将熟悉单词的重音。教学重点:学生将熟悉单词的重音。教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:...
  • 外研社四年级上《what are they doing ?》教学设计

    教学目标:1.知识与技能:理解并灵活运用句型。2.情感态度教育:学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人。2.过程与方法:情景交流及对话表演教学重点:理解课文并能够熟练使用下面的句型What is __ doing? --...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?课后反思

    本单元重点学习现在进行时,能运用What are they doing ? They are doing Taijiquan/ playing chess/ rowing a dragon boat / playing chess/ drinking soybean milk.等语言来问答。...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?说课设计

  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(八)

    教学重点:1)学说问句What are they doing?2)掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]教学难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音,并自如地应用。教学准备:卡片、象棋、豆奶教学过程:一、Warming u...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(七)

    一、教学内容外研版 四年级英语Module 4 In the park Unit1 What are they doing?二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1. 听说读写单词:Let’s, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look ...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(六)

    教学内容:Unit 1 What are they doing ?教学目的:1)学习询问他人正在做什么事情。2)描述他人正在做的事情。3)学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(五)

    一、Teaching aimsKnowledge aims: do Taijiquan, play chess, row a dragon boat, people, menBasic sentences: What are they doing? They’re doing Taijiquan.Ability ...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(四)

    (一)教学目标:1)学习询问他人正在做什么事情。2)描述他人正在做的事情。3)学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。4)通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松愉快地学习英语,并...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(三)

    教学目标:掌握新短语do taijiquan, row a dragon boat, play chess ,drink soybean milk.能准确并灵活运用句型:What are they doing ?They’re…运用所学语言询问和回答正在发生的事情.培养学生对...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(二)

    一、 教学目标及要求:语言知识目标:使学生能听懂会说Look at the men under thetree.What are they doing ?They are playing chess.语言技能目标: 谈论人们在公园的活动。二、情感态度目标...
  • Module 4 unit1 what are they doing ?教案(一)

    一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:a. 会读认识理解本课新单词和词组:let’s, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink,hungry.b. 学...
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