冀教版三上《1 2 3 4 5》教学设计

2016-08-11  | 三上 教学 并能 


  (一) 知识目标

  1.使学生能听、说、认识和口头运用单词one, two, three, four, five

  2.使学生能够理解并能口头运用:May I have , please? Thanks.

  (二) 能力目标

  1.培养学生运用英语数字的能力, 使学生对名词复数有初步的感知。


  (三) 情感目标




  1、教学重点: 使学生能熟练掌握数字单词并能初步感知名词复数形式。

  2、教学难点:使学生能够理解并能口头运用:May I have , please? Thanks.




  名词复数的规则变化情况 构成方法 读音 例词

  一般情况 加 -s

  1.清辅音后读/s/; map-maps

  2.浊辅音和元音后 bag-bags

  读 /z/; car-cars


  一、Step One: Class Opening and Review

  1. Greetings:

  T: Hello! boys and girls. Nice to meet you!

  S: Hello, Miss Sun! Nice to meet you, too!

  T: Let鈥檚 sing a song.

  2.T: Let鈥檚 play a game 鈥減oint to the words鈥潱ㄔ谟蜗分校雀聪傲艘丫Ч拇驶悖治究蔚男率谥蹲隽似痰妫币布し⒘搜难靶巳ぁ#

  二、Step Two: New Concepts

  1、Numbers one to five

  T:What鈥檚 this? Yes, it鈥檚 a book. It鈥檚 one book.Write 鈥渙ne book鈥 on the blackboard.

  Have the students say together.

  T: Now, What鈥檚 this?(point to one chair and desk)

  S: It鈥檚 one chair. It鈥檚 one desk.

  T: What are these? Two books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to say.

  T: How many chairs? How many desks? (point to two chairs and desks)

  S: Two chairs. Two desks.

  T: How many books? Three books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.

  T: How many boys? How many girls? (point to three boys and girls)

  S: Three boys. Three girls.

  T: Now how many books? Four books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.

  T: How many schools? How many teachers?(show some pictures)

  S: Four schools. Four teachers.

  T: How many books in my hands? Let鈥檚 count together. Yes, five books. Write it on the blackboard and have the students read.

  T: How many desks? How many chairs? (show some pictures)

  S: Five desks, five chairs.

  T: Who can find the different?

  2、T: Let鈥檚 count the numbers.

  S: one, two, three, four, five.

  T: Let鈥檚 play a guessing game.

  May I have ,please? Thanks.

  T: I have a big bag, but no books in it. I need some books. Who can help me? May I have one book, please? Thanks. (To a student) May I have four books, please? Thanks. (Write the sentences on the blackboard) Let the students to guess the Chinese meaning?

  T: Look here. Listen carefully. Now, follow it.(play CD)

  T: I have many books (Take out some books) Who wants to have? please say: May I have , please? and you can get the books.

  3、T: Let鈥檚 practice the dialogue. May I have ,please? Thanks.

  T: Who can act the dialogue? please come to the front.

  三、Step Three: Class closing


  Lesson 5: 1 2 3 4 5

  How many? May I have鈥︹Γ

《冀教版三上“1 2 3 4 5”教学设计》摘要: 2.浊辅音和元音后 bag-bags 读 /z/; car-cars 教学过程: 一、Step One: Class Opening and Review 1. Greetings: T: Hello! boys and girls. Nice to meet you! S: Hello, Miss Sun! Nice to meet you, too! ...
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