外研社英语六上册《Do you want to go to Guilin?》教学设计

2016-08-29  | 英语 教学 外研社 




  这是外语教学与研究出版社编写的 ---- 新标准教材,第七册Module 9 ,Unit 2 Do you want to go to Guilin? 第二课时的内容。本课时的教学内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,并配有生动、活泼、富有情趣的插图,可以激发学生学习的兴趣,增强学习英语的信心,体验学习的快乐。









  T: Class begins . Good morning boys and girls . How are you?

  Ss: I鈥檓 fine, thank you . And how are you?

  T: I鈥檓 fine , too . Thank you.


  T: Boys and girls , today , I take many photos about some interesting places . Please guess , where are they?

  Ss: Oh , great!

  T: First , let鈥檚 look at this one . (I take out a picture of Beijing. )Do you know where is it?

  Ss: Oh , that鈥檚 Beijing.

  T: Yes , you are very clever . And look at this picture . (This time, I take out a picture of Kunming.) Where is it?

  (And then show them the pictures of Harbin , Hong Kong and Guilin , and ask them 鈥淲here is it?鈥 and the students can speak out the names of the places. )

  T: Just now , we saw many places . And they are all famours cities , Do you want to go to these cities? (板书:Do you want to go to___________ ?)For . example : Do you want to go to Guilin?

  (板书并重复读句子:Do you want to go to Guilin?)

  Ss: Yes , I do .

  T: Oh , you all want to go to Guilin , but , why ? Why do you all want to go to Guilin?

  (引导学生读并板书:Because Guilin is 鈥Α#

  Ss: Because Guilin is very beautiful.

  T: Yes , very good , and what else ?


  Some students says : Guilin is big and famous.

  T: Yes , you are right . We all know Guilin is very famous , because 鈥湽鹆稚剿滋煜骡潯 Yes?

  Ss: Yes .

  T: So we can say : There are lots of beautiful mountains and lakes in Guilin . (边读边板书)Yes or no ?

  Ss: Yes .

  T: Very good . Now I hope one student stand up and say something about Beijing . You have one minute to think about it .

  (After one minute.)

  OK , who can tell us why do you want to go to Beijing ?

  OK , QinJian you please .

  QinJian: Beijing is the capital of China . It鈥檚 very big and very beautiful . There is a very big square in Beijing .It鈥檚 the Tian鈥檃nmen Square . And the Great Wall is in Beijing , too.

  T: Great . Your words are very beautiful . You can use the sentences that we learned in Moudle 2.

  OK , let鈥檚 it say again .



  T: OK , just now we say many sentences about Guilin and Beijing . Now , I want you to discuss about Hong Kong , Kunming and Harbin in your groups .

  You can choose one students to write , others talk about :Why do you want to go to Hong Kong , Kunming and Harbin ? OK , you can begin .

  (The students discuss the reasons for about six or seven minutes.)

  T: OK , boys and girls , please stop here . Times up . OK , first ,which group want to tell us something about Hong Kong ? OK , you please , Let鈥檚 listen to her carefully .

  (师边听 边板书)

  Group 1: Hong Kong is not very big , but it is very beautiful.

  T: Good . Another group .

  Group2: There are many cars and buses in Hong Kong.

  T: Very good.

  (Use the same way , have the students talk about Kunming and Harbin .)



  T: OK , very good . Boys and girls , just now we talk about five cities , like Guilin , Kunming , Hong Kong , Beijing and Harbin , But now , I hope you can say something about other cities that you like . Now , you have two minutes to think about them .

  (Two minutes later)

  T: OK , who want to say ?

  OK , you please .

  S1: I want to go to Shanghai , because it is very big and very beantiful . And the Dongfangmingzhu Tower is in Shanghai .

  T: Great . You can get a little star . Another one?

  S2: I want to go to Hainan , because in hainan , I can swim in the sea .

  T: Good . You all want to go many cities in China . But I want to go to England , because in England , I can improve my English.



  T: In this lesson , we learned many cultures about some interesting cities . And I think you can talk about more cultures about all of the cities in the world . So after class , please do it in your groups .

《外研社英语六上册“Do you want to go to Guilin?”教学设计》摘要:课时的内容。本课时的教学内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,并配有生动、活泼、富有情趣的插图,可以激发学生学习的兴趣,增强学习英语的信心,体验学习的快乐。 教学重点: 掌握介绍城市特点的基本句型。 教学难点:...
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