广州版:Module2 People 教案

2011-04-08  | Module 广州 hardworking 

  Module2  People

  I. Objectives

  1. Language skill

  (1) Can describe my friend

  (2) Know the words to describe people

  2. Language knowledge

  (1) Vocabulary

  4 skills: cap, hat, wear, be wearing, thin, heavy, young, today, talk, about, kind, funny, both, great, cook, well, everyone, true, friendly, round

  3 skills: mean, hero, heroine, hardworking, patient, handsome, movie, star, homest, parents, feed, ugly, weak

  (2) Drills

  * You mean the short boy?

  * She’s wearing a pair of black shoes.

  * The woman is very thin.

  * Who’s your hero?

  * She kind and hardworking

  (3) Sub-topic:

  Unit 4 : Friends

  Unit 5 : Our Heroes and Heroines

  Unit 6: Development

  3. Affect:

  (1) To arise the pupil’s awareness of the three structures for describing people’s appearance.

  (2) To reinforce, in a fun way, pupils’ understanding of adjectives that describe people.

  (3) To develop creativity and imagination by drawing.

  (4) To raise awareness of how friends can help each other than to compete.

  4. Learning strategy

  (1) Cognitive strategy

  (2) Regulation strategy

  (3) Communicative Resource strategy

  5. Cultural Consciousness

  To introduce some great person whom are comsidered as heros or heroines.

  e.g. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lai feng, Zhang Haidi

  II. Focal points:

  1. be wearing

  2. The three structures for describing people’s appearance (Noun + Verb + Adjeetive)

  e.g. The man is very heavy.

  (Noun + has + Noun)

  e.g. the woman has white short hair.

  (Noun + verb + wearing)

  e.g. The man is wearing a cap.

  3. Who’s your hero / herine?

  III. Difficult points

  1. be wearing

  2. adjective for describe person ality

  IV. Schedule : 6 long-periods

  V. Materials:

  Text book, Activity book, Tapes, Teacher’s book, word cards

《广州版:Module2 People 教案》摘要:e’s appearance. (2) To reinforce, in a fun way, pupils’ understanding of adjectives that describe people. (3) To develop creativity and imagination by drawing. (4) To raise awareness of h...
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