外研社M3 U2《I don't like riding bikes》教案1

2016-01-26  | 外研社 举一反三 like 


  (1) 通过学习句子,让学生能够举一反三运用句子。

  (2) 掌握句子: 鈥 I like鈥Αb 鈥 I don鈥檛 like鈥Αb

  (3) 激发同学们对英语的兴趣。


  单词:swimming skipping riding bikes

  句子: (1) I like鈥Α

  (2) I don鈥檛 like鈥Α


  掌握鈥 I like鈥Αb 鈥 I don鈥檛 like鈥Αb澋挠梅ā


  用 鈥 I like鈥Αb 鈥 I don鈥檛 like鈥Αb 举一反三。







  T: Good morning boys and girls!

  S: Good morning Miss Huang.

  (2)。Warming up:

  T: Ok, everyone. Before the lesson, let鈥檚 review 鈥楾he finger song鈥 ok?

  S: Ok.

  T: Very good. Now, please take your hand , are you ready?

  S: Yes.

  T: Follow me please. One little two little three little fingers, four little five little six little fingers, seven little eight little nine little fingers, ten fingers on my hand.

  S: One little two little three little 鈥Α.

  T: All together one鈥檚 again .Please show your hand. One two begain.

  S: One little two little three little 鈥Α.

  T: Very good! A big hand for youself!

  (3)。 Review:

  T: 上节课我们学了几个运动项目的英语单词,下面我们来玩一个游戏叫鈥溞挠辛橄坏阃ㄢ潯D怯衫鲜醋龆鳎遣拢⒂糜⒂锢椿卮鹄鲜ψ龅氖鞘裁丛硕钅浚琌k?

  S: Ok.

  T: Ok, pay attation to me.(教师做踢足球动作) can you guess what sport it鈥檚?

  S: (鈥Αuess鈥Γゝootball.

  T: Well done! The sport is football.(呈现图词卡)。 Read after me. football football.

  S: football football.

  T: Let鈥檚 continue guess. Attation to me. (教师做打篮球动作)。 can you guess what sport it鈥檚?

  S: (鈥Αuess鈥Γ゜askeball.

  T: very good. It鈥檚 baskeball. (呈现图词卡)。 Read after me. baskeball. baskeball

  S: baskeball. baskeball.

  T: Ok. Come to guess. What sport is鈥檛? (教师做打乒乓球动作)。

  S: (鈥Αuess鈥Γ table-tenise .

  T: Super good ! read after-me. table-tenise . table-tenise . (呈现图词卡)

  S: read after-me. table-tenise . table-tenise .

  T: ok,comtinue to guess. Look at me please. What sport is鈥檛?

  S: (鈥Αuess鈥Γ﹎orning excise.

  T: Woonderfull ! (呈现图词卡) read after me. morning excise. Morning excise.

  S: morning excise. Morning excise.

  T: ok,very good. 从刚才的游戏环节可以看出,同学们对上节课的知识掌握得很好,恭喜你们,给自己一个热烈的掌声。

  (4)。 介绍新语言项目:

  T: 今天,运动项目中的另外三位伙伴也来到了这,现在老师分别请三位小老师到台上来做动作,我们大家一起猜猜看它们是谁。哪位优秀的小老师想来做第一个运动项目的动作呢?把手举高让我看到你好吗?OK,非常好,第一位出色的小老师xxx请到台上来。

  T: 那这个单词是你要表演的单词。(展示:swimming给第一位小老师看,并在黑板上贴笑脸,哭脸。)

  S1: (做swimming的动做让学生猜)

  S: 游泳。

  T: OK,掌声给优秀的小老师回座。Now, look at the picture and read after me. swimming swimming.

  S: swimming swimming.

  T: (指着笑脸说) I like swimming. S: I like swimming.

  T: (指者哭脸说) I don鈥檛 like swimming.

  S: I don鈥檛 like swimming.

  T: Very good. Now, who want to be a teacher? 谁想当下一位优秀的小老师呢? Put up your hand, let me see. Ok, welcome. xxx

  T: (展示skipping给第二位小老师看。)

  S2: (做skipping的动作)。

  S: 跳绳。

  T: Good,掌声送给小老师请回座。Ok, read after me.(展示图词卡) skipping skipping.

  S: skipping skipping.

  T: (指着笑脸说) I like skipping.

  S: I like skipping

  T: (指者哭脸说) I don鈥檛 like skipping.

  S: I don鈥檛 like skipping.

  T: Ok, the less one. Who want to be the less teacher to show the words? Good girl! Welcome xxx.

  S3: (展示riding bikes 动作,学生猜)。

  S: 骑自行车。

  T: 掌声请优秀的小老师回座。呈现单词图卡, riding bikes riding bikes.

  S: riding bikes riding bikes.

  T: (指着笑脸说) I like riding bikes.

  S: I like riding bikes.

  T: (指者哭脸说) I don鈥檛 like riding bikes.

  S: I don鈥檛 like riding bikes.

  (5) 操练。实践和巩固:


  T: 教师展示本课堂的所有单词卡( football baskeball table-tenise morning excise swimming skipping riding bikes.)学生套上句型I like 鈥 I don鈥檛 like 鈥Σ倭贰

  S: I like 鈥

  I don鈥檛 like 鈥

  2. 分角色操练。

  T: 第一,二组同学扮演 I like 鈥

  第三,四组同学扮演 I don鈥檛 like 鈥

  来进行回答,当老师出示图卡,一二组同学用 I like 鈥Ρ泶铮欢橥П泶锿旰笕淖橛肐 don鈥檛 like 鈥幢泶铩

  3. 个人代表操练。

  T: 请两位同学来练习,两位同学分别扮演 I like 鈥 I don鈥檛 like 鈥 当老师出示图卡时, I like 用句型表达, I don鈥檛 like 也如此操练。


  1.由老师说句子,如 I like swimming. 学生边做动做边说, I like swimming. 首先是全班练,再到小组,个人练。

  2. 同桌相互练习。

  3.请两位代表,加上表情。动作表演I like 鈥 I don鈥檛 like 鈥


  课后与同学相互练习句子I like 鈥 I don鈥檛 like 鈥

《外研社M3 U2“I don't like riding bikes”教案1》摘要:iss Huang. 2。Warming up: T: Ok, everyone. Before the lesson, let’s review ‘The finger song’ ok? S: Ok. T: Very good. Now, please take your hand , are you ready? S: Yes. T: Follow m...
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