外研社M5 U1《I get up at seven o'clock》教学设计

2016-01-26  | 教学 并能 外研社 


  1、学习并能在图片提示下识别单词at、o鈥檆lock;短语get up、go to school、have lunch、go home、watch TV、go to bed.

  2、学习并能口头运用 鈥淚 get up at seven o鈥檆lock鈥澱饫嘤锞涿枋鲎约旱2鈥3种日常活动。



  能够正确运用get up、go to school等短语来描述关于整点时间的表达方法及某个整点时间段的具体活动。


  灵活运用get up、go to school等短语来描述自己的2鈥3种日常活动。


  CAI课件、磁带、钟、头饰 、每组准备一只小闹钟


  Step1. Warmer:

  1、Oral English Training before class,have a competition between A、B、C.

  2、Greeting to each other

  (1) Good moring,boys and girls!

  (2) Say hello to our dear teacher!

  (3) How are you today?

  (4) Can you do your best this lesson?

  (5) I love you,children!

  3、Free talks

  (1)Hello, how are you?

  (2) What鈥檚 your favorite song?

  (3) Do you like the 鈥淭en Little Fingers鈥 song?

  4、Sing 鈥淭en Little Fingers鈥 song.

  [设计意图] 通过多种形式的课前热身,逐渐将学生带入到英语课堂的氛围中,让孩子不由自主地投入到学习中来,并在这样愉快轻松的英语环境中进行口语和语感的训练,帮助孩子积累英语语言。

  Step2. Leading and Presenting:

  1、Ask the students:鈥淗ow many fingers on our hand?鈥 The count together,and show the numbles on the screen in circle.

  2、(look at the picture about numbles in circle on the screen and ask ) What鈥檚 this?

  (lead the students to answer) It鈥檚 a clock.

  Clcok is for times,but how to press 鈥湹阒逾潱琹earn the new word 鈥渙鈥檆lock鈥

  3、(show a clock) What鈥檚 the time,please?

  (Lead to answer)It鈥檚鈥鈥檆lock.

  Practise in teams by one student dial ,the others answer use 鈥淚t鈥檚鈥鈥檆lock.鈥

  4、Dail the small hand to 鈥渟even o鈥檆lock鈥漒 鈥渟ix o鈥檆lock鈥漒 鈥渆ight o鈥檆lock鈥潱琹earn the new phrases 鈥済et up、watch TV、go to bed.鈥

  (1) Do you want to know what I do at seven o鈥檆lock at the weekend ?

  Learn the new phrase 鈥済et up鈥潱琩o and say.

  (teacher relates)I get up at seven o鈥檆lock.(then write it on the middle of the blackboard.)

  (2) Can you guess what I do at six o鈥檆lock in the afternoon?

  Show a picture about 鈥渨atch TV鈥 on the screen,and write it on the blackboard.

  (3) do an action 鈥済o to bed 鈥漚nd dial the small hand to eight o鈥檆lock ,then ask 鈥淲hat I am doing at eight o鈥檆lock in the evening?鈥 Look at the screen and read this phrase after teacher.(writing)

  (4) Tell the student that our good friend Daming learns to describe his schedule ,do you want to know what does him do at sometimes ?And after this lesson you can talk about your schedule ,too.

  [设计意图] 通过多媒体课件和实物,给孩子创设良好单词学习情境,使孩子们在具体实在自然的情境学习新单词和词组,加深学习的印象,帮助形成形象记忆,便于理解;同时,CAI展示的美丽画面给学生以视觉上的冲击,给予美的享受的同时,激发了他们的好奇心和求知的欲望,为本节课的学习创造了一个良好的条件。上课初马上提出学习任务,让学生带着明确的学习目标学习。为照顾差异,任务既有英文也有中文,让学困生更好的了解学习任务。

  Step3. Text鈥攖eaching:

  1、Listen to the tape ,point and underline the new word.

  go to school、 have lunch、 go home

  2、Listen again,learn these new phrases when meet them and try to give pause,writing them on the blackbord.

  3、Then read after the recorder,point.


  Step4. Task鈥攆ulfilling:

  1、Practice all of the new phrases : a. read from the screen

  b. game: Simon says

  2、鈥淚鈥檓 the little speaker.鈥

  Look at the screen and relate the text by self ,then be the little speaker in the class ,and one student speaks ,the others do actions.

  3、Act,鈥淚鈥檓 the little bird.鈥

  After tell the story of the little bird in teams , try to instead of the 鈥淧lease stand up鈥

  Song by 鈥渓isten to me鈥潱瑃he sing and do the actions.

  4、Complete AB P1, listen and tick.

  5、Complete AB P4,listen and complete.

  6、Talk about my schedule.



  课程标准理念之一:开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道,因此在本环节充分利用上学期学习过的鈥淧lease stand up 鈥澊驶怀晌渓isten to me鈥,有关书中小鸟一天起居生活的歌曲,在保持兴趣的同时充分利用手头现有的学习资料,让孩子们在轻松愉快的氛围中完成一次又一次对新知的巩固。

  Step5. Homework:

  1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape ,then try to recite .

  2、Do actions when sing the 鈥渓isten to me鈥 song.


《外研社M5 U1“I get up at seven o'clock”教学设计》摘要:d. 2、学习并能口头运用 I get up at seven o’clock这类语句描述自己的2—3种日常活动。 3、在活动中,激发小学生学习英语的热情,培养学习的兴趣和积极性,帮助他们建立学习英语的自信心。 教学重点: ...
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