苏教牛津版六上《It was there!》教学设计

2016-08-24  | 教学 牛津 和会 


  本节课的教学内容为《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 3 It was there (A),对话围绕“寻找物品”这一话题展开教学,同时给学生介绍了动词be的过去式was,were。本单元安排的教学情景与学生的生活贴近。从运动会入手,引出寻找物品这一话题,语言的交际性和实用性较强。


  1. 知识与技能目标

  (1) 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词was, were, excited, moment, ago, just now;

  (2) 能听懂、会说、会读单词a camera, films, ground, Sports Day, running race, exciting;

  (3) 能听懂、会说、会读以下交际用语: It is Sports Day. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?

  (4) 能听懂、会说、会读和会写以下句型: It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago. They aren’t there now. They were there a moment ago.

  2. 情感目标 培养互帮互助,关爱他人的品质


  1. 初步理解一般过去时的时态意义,掌握was, were的用法。

  2. 交际用语,即知识与技能目标部分的第(3)和第(4)点。




  Step 1: Warming up:

  Greetings & Free talk

  T: Hello boys and girls, I’m your new English teacher today.

  My name is Jenny. What’s your name, please?

  S1: My name is xxx

  T: Nice to meet you xxx! (与生握手交流)

  S1: Nice to meet you too!

  T: Excuse me. Do have a rubber?

  S1: Yes/No „

  T: Can I have it, please?

  S1: „ T: Thank you! (故意将橡皮弄丢在地)

  T: Oh, the rubber is on the ground.

  Can you pick it up for me, please? (出示单词卡片“pick„up”)

  S1: „ T: Let’s play a game. OK? (将双手藏于身后,玩变魔术游戏)

  Ss: „ T: What’s in my hand? (伸出刚握有橡皮的一只手)

  Ss: „ T: Oh, where’s the rubber? (做惊讶状)

  it isn’t in my hand now. it was here a moment ago. (出示句型: “it was„” “a moment ago”)

  【设计意图】 该环节为课前的热身活动,主要以问候与师生自由交流的形式展开。师生自由交流的过程,贯穿了一个猜谜变魔术游戏,活跃了气氛的同时,也初步渗透了一般过去时。

  Step 2:

  1.创设找相机的情境: (PPT展示书桌,相机的图片)

  T:boys and girls, look,what’s under the desk?

  Ss: „ T: It’s a camera. (单词“camera”的学习)

  Ss: „ T: Oh, where’s the camera now? (鼠标点击,相机消失)。

  It isn’t under the desk now.It was there just now (出示卡片:“just now”)

  T: Where’s my camera? Let’s look for it! (出示卡片:“look for”)

  Ss: „


  T: Oh, here it is, it’s in my bag. look!

  Now I have a camera, let’s take some photos, OK?

  Ss: OK

  T: But we also need some films.(单词 “films”的学习)

  Look, the films are on the sofa.(PPT展示图片:沙发,胶卷)

  T: Oh, where are the films? (鼠标点击,胶卷消失)。

  They were on the sofa just now (出示句型:they were„ )can you look for the films? Ss: „

  T: look, the films are on the ground. Let me pick them up!

  Boys and girls, we have a camera and films, we can take some photos on Sports Day (单词:“Sports Day”学习) Ss: „

  【设计意图】 本环节根据实际情况,运用实物创设师欲拍照找相机和胶卷的情境,过程中渗透了课文内容相关词组的学习,如:it was there a moment ago; they were here just now.为下文的学习做好铺垫,在生帮助找到相机与胶卷之后,表示感谢,充分体现师生互助,礼貌相待的情感意图。

  Step 3: Practice

  1. 观看课文动画,初步感知课文

  T: Today is Sports Day.

  The twins Su Hai and Su Yang want to take some photos let’s see what happened on them, OK?

  Ss: Great!

  2. 听课文前言录音,回答问题理解该部分

  Q1: What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing?

  Q2: What does Su Hai want to do?

  Q3: What is she looking for?

  3. 生阅读正文部分,判断正误 (该部分以学生自学阅读课文为主,并找出文中的相关答案。阅读过程中插有一段轻音乐,让学生在轻松的氛围中愉悦地学习。除此之外过程中通过PPT呈现阅读技巧小提示,让学生更好地掌握英语课文的阅读技巧。从而达到“授之以渔”的教学目标!)

  4. 分段跟读对话,分角色朗读对话

  【设计意图】 课文学习过程中分为初步感知,分段理解,朗读操练这三个部分。以观看课文动画的形式初步感知课文内容,形式生动更好地激发学生投入到课文的学习中;接着将课文分成前言与正文两个部分进行学习,通过听录音回答问题的形式掌握课文的背景内容,正文部分则以学生自学,判断正误的形式来学习,以此培养学生的自主学习意识;最后以分句跟读,分角色朗读的方式来巩固课文,充分进行读的训练!

  Step 4: Consolidation:

  1. 跟节奏,说绕口令 Camera, camera Where’s the camera?

  Bag, bag It’s in Su Yang’s bag.

  Films, films Where’re the films?

  Ground, ground They’re on the ground.

  2. 回忆课文,完成表格 what camera films Time

  A moment ago now Just now now where It was in Su Hai’s bag It is in Su Yang’s bag

  They were in Su Yang’s bag They are on the ground

  3. 观看幽默小动画,拓展巩固过去时 出示PPT,观看猫捉老鼠的幽默小动画,两遍看后让学生回忆: Where was the mouse just now?/ Where is the mouse now?

  【设计意图】 课文学完后,将课文内容编成chant的形式,让学生跟后说,活跃气氛的同时也激发了学生的学习热情,接着以表格的形式,巩固下课文所学。最后播放的一个小动画是五年级时学生们就学过的“猫捉老鼠”的幽默小对话,该动画的运用让学生温习了旧知的同时,也灵活地辅助本课让学生再次操练所学过去时的用法,一举两得。

  Step 5: Homework:

  1. Try to read the dialogue as fluently as you can.

  2. Make sentences with “was”and“were”。

《苏教牛津版六上“It was there!”教学设计》摘要:;t there now. They were there a moment ago. 2. 情感目标 培养互帮互助,关爱他人的品质 重点难点: 1. 初步理解一般过去时的时态意义,掌握was, were的用法。 2. 交际用语,即知识与技能目标部分的第3和第4点。 ...
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