苏教牛津版英语六上《It was there!》教学设计

2016-08-24  | 英语 教学 牛津 



  1. 能听得懂、会读、会说、会写单词:was, were, film, moment, running race, Sports Day, excited, exciting,ground.

  2. 能听得懂、会读、会说、会写句子:Where is it? It’s … It isn't there.

  It was there a moment ago.

  Where are they?

  They’re… They aren’t there.

  They were there just now.

  3. 能正确理解A部分的语篇内容,会读、会说、会复述课文。


  1. 提高自主学习的能力。

  2. 加强提问的能力。

  3. 加强合作学习的能力。




  对课文内容的理解与掌握 对was,were以及一般过去式的初步感知。





  1. PPT和课文flash。

  2. 练习纸若干。


  Step 1. Greeting and free talk

  1. T: Good morning, boys and girls.

  I’m your new English teacher, today.

  So I want to know something about you.

  You may tell me your name? Your hobbies?

  S1:… S2:…

  T: Good! I know some of you.

  This time, try to know your new teacher.

  Do you have any questions about your new teacher?

  Please ask me and I’ll tell you.

  S1: What's your name?

  T: My English name is Apple.

  S2: … T:…

  S3: Do you have any hobbies?

  T: Yes, I have a lot of hobbies.

  I like reading, singing and I like playing games.


  2. T: Boys and girls, you know I like playing games very much. I often play games with my students in my class. Shall we play games now?

  Ss: OK. T: Now game time is coming. Look, what’s this ?

  Ss: It’s a coin.

  T: Please watch me carefully.

  Where’s the coin now?

  S1: It’s in your left hand/ right hand.

  T: Yes, you are right.

  No, it isn't there now. It’s in my…

  出示:it was there a moment ago.

  3. T: Now let’s go on. I have two cards. Where are they?

  Ss: They’re in the pocket.

  T: Now, close your eyes. Open your eyes.

  Where are the cards?

  S1: They’re…

  T: No, they aren’t there. They’re on my back.

  But they were in my pocket just now.

  出示:They were there just now.

  4.T: So much for the games.

  Boys and girls, at this lesson, we’re going to learn this dialogue.

  Before we start to learn, let’s look at the title, (板书It was there)

  Can you read it?

  Ss: It was there.

  T: Good! Look at the title, do you have any questions about it?

  You may ask or you may ask in Chinese.

  S1: What was it?

  S2: Where was there?

  T: Good. I know what you mean.

  You are good at asking questions, that’s excellent!

  But all the answers are in the dialogue.

  Shall we learn it?

  Ss: OK.

  Step 2. Lead-in

  1. T: First, look at the picture(课文插图)。

  Let's talk about it. What do you know about this picture?

  Can you say something about it?

  S1: The boys are running.

  S2: They’re having a PE lesson.

  S3: The students are very happy.

  T: Good. Your English is good!

  Now please read the background by yourselves. Ss: Read (前言)

  T: All right. Please answer my questions.

  What day is it today? S:..

  T: Maybe we don't know.

  But we know it’s Sports Day. (出示Sports Day)

  How are the students?

  S: They’re very excited.

  T: (出示excited) All the students are very excited. Because the running race is very exciting.

  出示:running race exciting

  2. T: Look at the two words here. Can you read them?

  S: excited. exciting

  T: You can read well. But how to use them correctly?

  Learning tip: Do you understand it?

  用excited. exciting完成句子。

  3. T: Let’s go on. What does Su Hai want to do?

  S: She wants to take photos.

  T: What is she doing now?

  S: She’s looking for her camera.

  T: How about Su Yang?

  S: She’s helping Su Hai.

  4. T: Let’s read the background together.

  Step 3 Presentation and Practice

  1. T: We know that Su Hai is looking for her camera to take photos.

  What else is she looking for?

  Let’s listen and try to answer. (板书:Su Hai , Su Yang, looking for sth., camera)

  S: films T: 板书films, 带读 T: Su Hai and Su Yang are looking for the camera and films. Look, here’ re four questions.

  First, read them.

  Ss: Read the 4 questions.

  T: What are the answers?

  This time, open your books, read the whole dialogue quietly and underline the answers.

  Pay attention to the learning tip: Use two lines to underline the answers.

  S: Answer the questions.

  T: 老师板书:now, is, in Su Hai’s bag.

  A moment ago, was, in Su Yang’s bag.

  S: Say the whole sentences.

  T: 板书: were, are In Su Hai’s bag On the ground

  2. T: You got correct answers.

  Now, read it again, and try to find the sentences that they’re talking. First, read by yourselves. Secondly, read in pairs.

  Ss: … T: How do they talk about the camera? Which pair can show us?

  Ss:… T: How do they talk about films? You two, please.

  Ss: … T: Well done. Good job.

  3. T: Now we know where the camera and films are.

  And they can take photos now.

  Let’s listen and repeat.

  Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

  Ss: Listen and repeat

  4. T: I think all of you know the dialogue very well.

  Let’s come to Show time.

  Can you retell the text by the key words and the mind map on the blackboard? Have a try. Prepare for it .

  S1:… S2:…

  Step 4 Summary

  T: Boys and girls, at this lesson, we have learned some, right?

  What have we learned today?

  You may think and discuss in groups.

  S1: We’ve learned the dialogue.

  S2: We’ve learned the new words and sentences.

  S3: We’ve learned that we should put our things in order. (Look after the things)

  T: (PPT上打好)

  Step 5 Task

  David always forgets something. Now he’s looking for his…

  You may make up a new dialogue and use the sentences and words here.

  Step 6Homework

《苏教牛津版英语六上“It was there!”教学设计》摘要:英语学习的持续兴趣以及用英语表达的自信。 教学重点: 对课文内容的理解与掌握 对was,were以及一般过去式的初步感知。 对exciting和excited的正确区分和运用。 教学难点: 对was,were以及一般过去式的初步感知。...
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